a beadle was a medieval police man. If something had been stolen for example the lord of the manor would appoint the beadle and the reeve (a reeve is who the beadle assisted) and would catch the villain.
A messor was the village official responsible for the work done in the fields.
A cack version of a knight, considered to be worth half as much as a knight in a fight. A cack version of a knight, considered to be worth half as much as a knight in a fight.
Churches are illustrative of the innovative architecture of medieval Europe.
Yes, the movie Merlin is a medieval romance we are watching it in language arts
medieval kings needed to learn how to fight because when they go in the they need to fight
Being a Squire in medieval times
medieval times queens position at middle ages.
The duration of Beadle's About is 1800.0 seconds.
An armourer was just that he made and maintained armour. The role of a maidservant is also explanatory, she did what she was told/asked to do, and was quite a lowly person in the household.
from you
They checked on the mill.
The Beadle was written by author Pauline Smith
Beadle's About ended on 1996-10-31.
Beadle's About was created on 1986-11-22.
Chauncey Beadle died in 1950.
Jean Beadle died in 1942.