Weapons which were used during the English Civil war included
they have meat and soup and they have stew for their meals in the Tudor times that is what they have in the Tudor times.
the spit is something that the tudors used to cook there food the spit was usually given to a tudor child you really wouldn't want to be a child in tudor times
Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax
Tudor weapons inforormation
in Tudor times mice used to get stuffed with crumbs that the people used to leave
they have meat and soup and they have stew for their meals in the Tudor times that is what they have in the Tudor times.
Oft times to assist with pain of toothache
sugar was a luxury so instead they used honey to sweeten things
the spit is something that the tudors used to cook there food the spit was usually given to a tudor child you really wouldn't want to be a child in tudor times
The "Abraham man" was a tudor beggar,back in the tudor times.
the spit is something that the tudors used to cook there food the spit was usually given to a tudor child you really wouldn't want to be a child in tudor times
boys used to wear tight and shorts the used to be pufy.
barley, rosemary, parsley.
there was none, it had not yet been invented.