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The execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoninette can surely be viewed as an error in judgment in view of Austria's Declaration of Pillnitz. France erred when they declared war. They did not need warfare on their borders when they had so much conflict at home.

The Reign of Terror was a mistake because it lost them potential support because of the senseless violence.

Embracing Atheism was not well received by the peasants, the Catholic clergy or the minor Calvinist following called the Hugenots. The treatment of the Catholic Church created many enemies for the Revolution. The siezure of church lands and property did help relieve some of the economic hardship as did the end of the tithe.

The creation of the Revolutionary calendar is seen by many as only a minor irritant but strikes some as something really stupid.

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During the French Revolution France experienced a massive National debt and encountered a broken tax code. This caused a major downward spiral on Franceâ??s ability to stay on top during the war. After the French revolution the country fell into anarchy. The people that held the wealth in the country lost their power and lives.

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A government called the Directory took over and France was at war with a lot of other countries until Wellington and Blucher's victory at Waterloo.

After the revolution, Napolean crowned himself emperor and then went around Europe conquering countries around France. He was actually a very successful leader until his pride became too much. In 1812, he made a push to conquer the last major country around France, Russia. He was, however, unsuccessful and ended up retreating after losing oevr 400,00 soldiers. 1814 he would give up his throne before coming back in 1815 and attempting one last attack. not much later, he would lose at Waterloo, be exiled to St. Helen and die 6 years later.
Mary Anntonette and King Louis the 16th were beheaded

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