Christopher Columbus- discorvered the new world, Lewis and clark-mapped uncharted parts of America, Genghis Khan
Many explorers were not from Spain. For example, the Vikings, some of the first explorers, were from Greenland. In addition, Portugal also invested heavily in explorers like Vasco De Gama.
I f it wasn't for explorers we wouldn't be here where we live. Plus some of the explorers explored half of the world. Like if Giovanni da Verrazono didn't explore the Verrazono- Narrows we wouldn't know that.
Daniel Boone explored some portions of Texas but most of his experiences were in Missouri and Pennsylvania. He also explored much of Kentucky.
to look for a faster way to the west indies and if the explorers found land it could bring glory and pride to your country
John Smith
Some famous explorers in south dakota are lewis and clark
captain cook
Lewis and Clark is one example, while white explorers explored Montana, too.
Captain Robert Gray. Pierre Gaultier de la Verendrye.
Christopher Columbus
Ponce De Leon was the first to step in Florida.
British explorers include Henry Hudson (he tried to find the Northwest Passage); Ernest Shackleton (he explored Antarctica); Sir Francis Drake (first Englishman to sail around the world); and Sir Walter Raleigh (he explored the New World and established a colony in what became Virginia).
The explorers were looking for gold and fame when they explored the world.
micheal billsean slatermicky swanchian lo
James Cook and Vitus Bering(Not all, sorry)
famous explores from utah