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  • Reconstruction.
  • Rebuilding.
  • Creating a new labor force.
  • bad economy
  • hostility with the north
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14y ago
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7y ago

The civil war had deep and long-lasting effects. Almost 620,000 Americans lost their lives during the four years of fighting.

The defeat of the south ended slavery there. The majority of former slaves, however, had no jobs or homes. The southern economy was in ruins.

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12y ago

Extensive war damage, with many farms and railroads destroyed.

Much of the workforce disappearing as slaves were liberated.

Military rule, by troops deployed by Republican government.

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12y ago

they were very homosexual and had relationships with small animals. These animals included mice,shrews,octopus and ice cube.

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Q: What were some problems the south had after the war?
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Why did the south have more problems than the north after the war?

The South Lost the war, and the economy of the South was built on Slavery which came to an end as a result of the war.

What were the problems faced after the civil war?

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its because your mom was there

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It helped reunite the nation after the civil war!! time of solving the South's post-war problems

What were some postwar problems in the South?

Some postwar problems in the South after the American Civil War included economic devastation due to the destruction of infrastructure and loss of slave labor, social upheaval as former slaves sought to establish their rights and freedoms, and political challenges as the region adjusted to Reconstruction policies imposed by the federal government. These issues contributed to a period of instability and conflict as the South struggled to rebuild and redefine itself in the aftermath of the war.

Why did the south have more problems than the north after the civil war?

i dont know kjnhghub