The short term causes were:
deficit (debt) estate general social injustice economic injustice american revolution i dnt noe if these r short term but they r definitly causes!
Short term is that it can be under our control. Long term might be that they start to develop some western habits.
The Cold war (both short term and long term). The polarization of the world between the two sides also led to the Korean crisis, the Berlin airlift, the uprisings in both Hungary and Czechoslovakia. The Marshall plan was also a short term affect upon the world that reaped long term benefits, as the US helped to rebuild the world. Also there were power vacuums created by the WWII. Both Britain and France began to lose their colonial possessions. This meant freedom to lots of differing countries
People will often seek a short-term benefit even if it results in a long-term harm. This is technically known as shortsightedness.
me went to the war and women started working in the workforce because of the war
Short term causes are what happened on the day long term is what happened in advance
gleneagles agreement- short term apartheid-long term
Long term causes are things that happen over time, and build up. Short term causes are things that happen just before a certain event and trigger causes are things that spark of an event.
the Black Death causes bloody vomit fever and tumors . Long term effect is death.
diziness short term memory loss and stress can have a lot of different causes. the causes may be physical as well as phsycological causes. you can see or a medicine doctor. or a phsycologist.
There long term causes and short term causes. ex. political problems. ethinic differences particular hausa and fulan
The short term 38 students and 6 adults were killed in the bombing at the school.
economical, religous,socialcauses etc.
hippocampus :)
The medical term for bloody nasal discharge is epistaxis.
economical, religous,socialcauses etc.