In ancient China, men ruled the household and had complete control over his wife. The only role of the wife was to be a servant to their husbands and to produce sons for them so the sons could carry on the family name.
Ancient Chinese society widely practiced the ideas of Confucius. Under Confucianism belief, everyone have their role in the society and was to behave accordingly. Women's main duty was to bear a male offspring for her husband, it was reasonsable for a husband to remarry if his first wife cannot bear him a son. Obey her husband even her son when he grows older. There were limited occupations or jobs for women. Education for women was not popular or at times not allowed , but they could receive limted education to enable them to teach their sons.
The textile industry however often employed numberous amount of female workers. Women were skilled in Chinese silk weaving. other occupations include sales in traditional markets or entertainers. Women was often not respected if they weren't married, it is extremely hard for a women to be self reliant in ancient China.
There were exceptions in Ancient China, numerous notable Chinese women broke the traditional social norm and rose to fame. For example, Empree Lu of the Han Dynasty, Empree Wu Zetian of Tang dynasty, Ban Zhao: the known female historian etc
The role of men in Medieval China was to support the household. They were also soldiers and scholars. Many were leaders. They worked outside of the house and gathered money so that the family can live on. They also lead wars.
I have to do a report on this so I'm pretty sure I know this.
To serve and protect their families and their country.
It depends in what city-state you are talking about.
In Athens men were supposed to go to school at the age of about seven, then they could become warriors for the rest of their lives or they could be an Athenian citizen. Athens was ruled by a democratic state and men were expected to participate and vote in their government. Women had more freedom than in other societies but still they didn't have much freedom. Women were expected to take care of the house and the children. Girls didn't go to schools, they stayed at home and learned about household with their mothers.
Spartans were selective about their children, if the baby showed weakness at their birth, they were killed, but of they were strong they lived. In Sparta, boys didn't go to schools. At the age of 7 they were thrown out of the city and they had to survive by themselves and kill a prey, a dangerous prey. If they killed their prey they could come back and if they came back alive they were true Spartans. Men were supposed to be warriors. Women same as in Athens took care of the child s up to the age of 7 and of the house, but the Spartan women were respected because Spartans believed that they brought the best warriors to life, so women were an important part of their society, they had more freedom than most of women did during those ages.
man and women had two roles
bob :)
Children played a variety of roles in World War 1. Some served as messengers, delivering important messages between soldiers on the front lines. Others worked in factories and farms to support the war effort. Many children also experienced the aftermath of the war, including the loss of parents or siblings and the devastation of their homes and communities.
There is a prime minister and a president
the scores
king, queen, pheasant, hobo, princess, prince. hope this helps.
men played all roles
Their names are different but their roles in their stories are the same. There is not much difference.
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The roles of the ancient Egyptian women were mainly to do the household chores and also to take care of the family.
we traded with them
To make shoes
Men had strong military roles. Hope that helps.
They were the head of the household and they sometimes took on political roles.