Chakra was used to promote the use of national products. It was an important symbol popularized by Mahatma Gandhi. Kadhi is also used for the same reason.
The use of black flags to protest against Simon Commission with wordings of "Simon Go Back."
The evolution of Indian flag during the struggle. At first in the Centre Vande Matram was written with different colors like green and red used. Then came chakra as told earlier its importance. It was replaced by present three colors, and a wheel on it symbolizing progress. This is not a complete one but an outline.
Gandhiji's three monkeys, mikazaru, mizaru and mazaru......not to see, hear or speak evil! If you mean to say evil, symbols from the side of British that's just their harsh oppressive rules like it was written in front of public parks or restaurants or libraries "Indians and dogs are not allowed to enter"
The secret of the attainment of freedomThe symbols that showed abstract ideas of freedom and unity helped people of India to identify themselves not only as part of a certain community but as a part of the entire nation.
Freedom songs were an important element in uniting the people of India. Freedom songs also inspired the people to fight for their lands and a better future for their families.
Gopal Hari Deshmukh was known as the Lokhitwadi during the freedom struggle of India.
n s hardikar
these symbols helped the common people realize how similar they are with each other. these symbols also showed them and reminded them the things they were fighting for.
Need for symbols in genral and during freedom struggle?"
The secret of the attainment of freedomThe symbols that showed abstract ideas of freedom and unity helped people of India to identify themselves not only as part of a certain community but as a part of the entire nation.
Freedom songs were an important element in uniting the people of India. Freedom songs also inspired the people to fight for their lands and a better future for their families.
Gopal Hari Deshmukh was known as the Lokhitwadi during the freedom struggle of India.
People usually need a rallying point, or representative symbol, to articulate their intended message in simple but eloquent terms.
Samachar Darpan
i think 30-35
Bal Gangdhar Tilak
n s hardikar
stupid dont ask this type of question
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