more narrow ships, triangle sails, compass and astrolabes were invented. maps were more accurate
: The four major factors that encouraged European exploration during the 1400s-1500s were that their ships had improved by making smaller boats and they went faster. Also, they started using triangular sails to change the wind current. Later on they discovered the compass and astrolabes to navigate throught the Atlantic. Later on, Claudius Ptolemaeus had mapped out the world. That really encouraged the Europeans to set sail.
The European age of expansion certainly resulted in a treasure of gold and silver. Initially, the goal was to look for a water route to Asia in order to trade for new products and spices. Some signed up for curiosity and a lust for fame. Others felt a more practical economic and religious motive.
The three Gs. Glory, God, and gold. People wanted to spread Christianity and convert Muslims and pagans. People sought out riches and spices in the Americas. Government also supported voyages.
Trade between Europe and the Far East was difficult because the Turks controlled the Middle East. Columbus sought to sail to the Far East by heading west and discovered America, but the result was new trade routes to the Far East. Some years before that, Portugal had opened up trade routes around the south of Africa.
Some of the main causes for European exploreation were religion, Natural Resources, and trading. More land and gold was also a factor.
They also wanted a direct route to Asia for spices and goods so they didnt have to pay high taxes from the Arabs, the Europeans wanted to be rich.
World Exploration by Europeans was started by Portugal. Their reasons were that they believed that there was another route by sea to India. Trade with India at that time was dominated by Arabs and the Venetians. their route was through the Mediterranean, Egypt and the red sea. Portugal wanted to go around Africa to India by sea. Later Bartholomew Dias discovered the sea rout to India, and Vasco da Gama made the first sea trip to India around Africa. Trade with India at this point became centred in Portugal, to which Venice lost much of it control of the India trade. Later Portugal continued its explorations to Malaysia and Indonesia.
Christopher Columbus wanted to reach India by Sea going west around the world, but instead found America, and Spanish exploration of the Americas began.
In short, Trade with India was what motivated Europeans to Explore the world.
European powers could increase their power and wealth by exploiting the under developed peoples they came into contact with in Africa, the Western Hemisphere and in East Asia. This fueled their desire for expansion. European ship improvements, both in cargo and warships helped their adventures to succeed against native peoples and also against each other.
Gold an glory and god
There were many concerns that plagued the early European voyages of exploration. The main concern was the danger. The boats were not as sturdy as they should have been, there was also the danger of being lost at sea. Other concerns included sailing off the edge of the earth, and sea monsters.
What was the effect of European exploration on global interactions in the fifteenth century
A+ : all
idk i guess trade helped them with there social problems then they all whent to the mall to buy eachother friendship toes.
to find a trade route to Asia
England, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, and Portugal where the major European exploration countries.
They wanted gold and to be rich and famous.
Gold an glory and god
to find a new settlement to start a new colony. George
If you are from Connexus...A: To find a trade route to Asia
If you are from Connexus...A: To find a trade route to Asia
Finding riches.
to gain wealth and spread christianity
Overall, the old saying of "God, Gold, or Glory" directly applies to this question about overseas exploration festival in Europe.
They were suppose to spread Christianity to all people.