When the Aryans first entered India, they were divided in three social classes, the warriors, the priests and the common people.
They entered India as Traders in the garb of East India Company which after the discovery of innumerable resources and wealth of India was got governed by the Empress of England after the war of Plassey
Social change in India refers to the alteration of the social order of the Indian society. The middle is becoming more powerful and therefore, they are participating more in social cause which is a good sign. Be it Swatch Bharat Abhiyan or participating in various NGO activities of their area. People today want over all development, not just in terms os salary! I recently witnessed a health camp organised by Ponty Chadha Foundation in one of the villages in Noida. I really like their initiative and the enthusiasm with which the youth participated and supported the cause.
some cultural groups supported britain
It Was Formed For The Hindu People.
Gujarati people have various different origins. "What is the origin of Gujarati people in India did they originally migrate to India from central Asia 5000 years ago?"
The caste system that divides people into different groups
"Sahoo" does not specify a specific caste as it is a surname used by various groups and communities in India. Caste is a social system in India that categorizes people into different groups based on their ancestry or occupation.
The caste system in Hindu India is known for the social stratification that divides people into distinct hierarchical groups based on birth, occupation, and social status. This system places individuals into specific castes, determining their opportunities and social interactions.
It is called the caste system
SOCIAL GROUPS: SCs and STs households ECONOMIC GROUPS: rural agricultural labor households and the urban casual households
The caste system in India was established over thousands of years based on Hindu beliefs and social norms. It is not attributed to any single person or event, but rather evolved organically within Indian society. The system categorizes people into different social groups based on their birth and origins.
Some pressure groups in India include Greenpeace India, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, and Forum for Street Vendors. These groups advocate for various causes such as environmental conservation, animal rights, and the rights of marginalized communities.
The caste system was a social hierarchy prevalent in India, dividing people into different social groups based on birth and occupation. It affected society by limiting social mobility, perpetuating discrimination and inequality, and shaping social interactions and cultural practices based on hierarchical relationships.