they travelled in boats or in carriages but could not travel very far like theUSA they could travel aroundEngland though but that is really it and Europe
Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax
Tudor time of great fire of london
they have meat and soup and they have stew for their meals in the Tudor times that is what they have in the Tudor times.
no answer
Yes the have toursim has changed in Tudor time the couled not go on trips because they did not have a lot of money and they was no transport
fat people
The "Abraham man" was a tudor beggar,back in the tudor times.
Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax
No mechanical transport. Walking and riding was slow.
There were no trains in the Tudor times. They had only first come out in 1872
It's a Fishmonger who was alive in Tudor times
Explorers like Rayleigh found spices in Tudor times.
was there any black people in tudor times?