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they travelled in boats or in carriages but could not travel very far like theUSA they could travel aroundEngland though but that is really it and Europe

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14y ago
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8y ago

The Tudors would travel by horse and cart. Horse back poor Tudors would walk.

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14y ago

On foot, unless you had some money and then by horse

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13y ago

The rich and well payed tudors would have gone in a horse and cart or horseback but the poor tudors would have had to walk.

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12y ago

rich people traveled in stagecoaches but poor people had to walk

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15y ago

They did not have cars and buses like we do in our days so they used horse's

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11y ago

The Tudors traveled by boat. But later on in Tudor times they invented pumpkin carriage.Also poor people in Tudor times traveled by foot.

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