The corpse flower is the biggest flower on earth in is also the smelliest. It can grow up to 3 meters tall.
William Bartram was the "flower hunter "' because he would travel by canoe and fin and draw different flower :D.
because it is the native and most popular flower in Russia
The most smelly flower in the world is the Rafflesia arnoldii, also known as the corpse flower. It is called that because it gives off an odor that is very similar to the stench of rotting flesh. They are only found in the rainforests of Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, and Malaya.
flower power is when u poo so much you poo flower
flower power is actually a slang used by hippies
hour, bower, cower, dour, power, scour, towerflour, flower.1 syllable:baur, blauer, bour, dower, jour, krauer, lour, n'dour2 syllables:auer, bauer, bougher, bower, brauer, brougher, brower, clower, cower, dauer, dessauer, dour, flour, flower, gauer, glower, gower, grauer, hauer, hour, hower, how're, kauer, klauer, knauer, lauer, mauer, nauer, our, power, rauer, sauer, schauer, scour, shower, tauer, tower, trower3 syllables:air power, bell tower, blood flower, carte du jour, church tower, clock tower, crepe flower, devour, empower, flame flower, fourth power, globe flower, great power, light hour, man hour, mph, pasque flower, pea flour, pink shower, rain shower, ray flower, rush hour, sea power, shot tower, snail flower, soup du jour, soy flour, stock power, third power, wheat flour, wild flower, wind power, world power4 syllables:balloon flower, basket flower, blanket flower, by the hour, christmas flower, compass flower, conning tower, control tower, cooling tower, corkscrew flower, cuckoo flower, cushion flower, drawing power, fennel flower, fire tower, flower power, garland flower, graham flour, guinea flower, happy hour, helmet flower, leather flower, legal power, major power, miles per hour, mooring tower, motive power, nutmeg flower, old maid flower, overpower, paper flower, peacock flower, person hour, rainbow shower, redbird flower, rise to power, satin flower, second power, solar power, soybean flour, spider flower, starfish flower, staying power, superpower, tassel flower, treasure flower, trumpet flower, under power, velvet flower, virgin's bower, water tower, whole meal flour, whole wheat flour, wonder flower, zero hour5 syllables:acoustic power, atomic power, balance of power, butterfly flower, cardinal flower, carrion flower, eastern pasque flower, electric power, fiesta flower, flamingo flower, ivory tower, kilowatt hour, magical power, martello tower, meteor shower, moccasin flower, nuclear power, paradise flower, proboscis flower, reflective power, resolving power, scarlet musk flower, semester hour, supporting tower, western wall flower6 syllables:artificial flower, blue cardinal flower, electrical power, evening trumpet flower, everlasting flower, nepal trumpet flower, observation tower, purple virgin's bower7 syllables:kilometers per hour, siberian wall flower
the character abilities are as follows: mario + power flower : floating mario wario + power flower : metal wario yoshi + power fower : flame breathing yoshi luigi + power flower : invisible luigi
what time of the year does a broom flower bloom
which year announced indian national flower
"Flower power" was a slogan used in the American counterculture movement. It is also the name of a fundraising organization.
There are currently no plans for a movie version of the Flower Power series by Lauren Myracle.
She is as pretty and delicate as a flower.
flower power
There are currently no plans for another book in the Flower Power series.