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joseph smith aka captain smith

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Q: What young missionary traveled on horseback despite pain from his illness to share the Gospel with the Indians?
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Did Native Americans have apples?

Yes, and despite popular folk tales of Johnny Appleseed, it was actually the Native Americans that intentionally spread seeds of the Apple tree, and many others, throughout the lands they occupied or traveled on.

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Christopher Reeve had many accomplishments despite his desabilities. He traveled around the world sharing his experiences, directed films, participated in fundraisings, wrote books, learned about researches he also had many surgreys

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As young man, Jackson lived in western Tennessee, an area in which there was constant conflict with the Indians. Later, he commanded an army which fought wars against Indian tribes. Thus he tended to look on Indians as an enemy of the government. When he became President, he sided against the Indians despite a supreme court decision. Later he helped plan what he thought was a solution- namely to move the Indians in the Southern US to an area across the Mississippi River. Unfortunately, the Indians were forced to walk there and many died.

When a body is thrown vertically to reach a height h before returning to Earth what is the distance traveled and the displacement?

The distance traveled by the body would be twice the height h, as it goes up and then comes back down the same distance. However, the displacement would be zero, as the body ends up at the same position it started from, despite having traveled a distance.