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Q: When did Charles the first go to war against Spain and France?
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Who was the first king of Spain?

The first king of Spain was Charles I. He became the first king after the Kingdom of Castile and Kingdom of Aragon combined.

Who was the king of Spain?

The first king of Spain was Charles I. He became the first king after the Kingdom of Castile and Kingdom of Aragon combined.

What countries did Pablo Picasso live in throughout his life?

First in Spain then in Paris, France

Who explored more land France or Spain?

Spain as they were the first Hope I answered your question and helped

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Who was Spain's first king?

The first King of Spain was Carlos I of Spain. He was also Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.Before Carlos I the Iberian Peninsula was occupied by smaller kingdoms and principalities each with it's own ruler/monarch. Spain was never truly unified until Carlos inherited the Kingdoms of Castile, Leon, and Aragon bringing Spain into existence as a single Monarchy.The first king of the combined Kingdom of Spain was Charles I. Charles was the first king after the Kingdom of Aragon and Kingdom of Castile combined to form Spain.

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It was first colonized by Spain, then France.

Which came first Mexican independence against Spain or France?

Mexican independence, of course. Otherwise, Mexico would speak French or it would have been a direct conflict between Spain and France: Mexican War of Independence: 1810 - 1821 French Intervention in Mexico: 1861 - 1867

Who ruled in Spain in 1547?

Charles I and his Mother Juana la Loca ruled Spain at that time. Charles I of Spain was also Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire. Juana was the daughter of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabel I of Castile. They were the first Catholic Monarchs of a united Spain.

What connected Louis XIV to Charles II?

Louis XIV and Charles II were connected through their familial relationship as first cousins. Louis XIV's mother, Anne of Austria, was the sister of Charles II's father, King Philip IV of Spain. This made Louis XIV and Charles II first cousins once removed. Their shared bloodline and family ties influenced their political alliances and interactions during their reigns in France and England, respectively.

What European nation is directly south west of France?

Actually two countries are SW of France. On what is called the Iberian Peninsula you have Spain and Portugal,but if travelling from France you would come to Spain first.

Who enslaved Haiti?

First Spain , then France, they gain their independence in 1804