Menroe... i think
Coal was plentiful in those areas.
It was the world's major trading center.
is the original site of Djenné, Mali and considered to be among the oldest urbanized centers in sub-Saharan Africa. The circumstances that enabled it to be a trade center are their rice domestication.
Memphis became a political and social center of Egypt due to its strategic location at the apex of the Nile Delta, which allowed for easy access to trade routes and communication networks. Additionally, it was chosen as the capital by the pharaoh Narmer in the Early Dynastic Period, solidifying its importance as a political hub. The city also housed important religious and administrative institutions, further enhancing its status as a cultural and social center of ancient Egypt.
One famous center of learning in Africa--and also a center of Christianity--was Carthage in North Africa. At the time of St. Augustine, it was the center of both leisure and learning in the northern part of the continent.
Timbuktu is the center of Islamic art and learning
The Mali Empire was known as the famous learning center in the city of Timbuktu...
Timbuktu and Gao
San Diego
It's in Timbuktu.
Timbuktu I think
The city of Timbuktu in Mali became the center of Muslim culture in Songhai due to its famous mosques, libraries, and reputation as a center of learning and trade. It was a hub for Islamic scholarship and trade routes in West Africa.
What factors made Timbuktu a spiritual and intellectual center of Islam?
alexandria became a major center of learning because it was named after alexander the first and alexander did lot's of changes and damages to
timbuktu, mali, west afica
alexandria became a major center of learning because it was named after alexander the first and alexander did lot's of changes and damages to