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18-19th century

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Q: When did the Russian empire expand to the Pacific ocean?
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Sakhalin is a Russian island in the Pacific Ocean. Saipan is an island in the western Pacific Ocean.

What direction is the pacific ocean from the Inca empire?

Assuming that the Incan Empire was limited to the Americas, the Pacific Ocean would be to their West.

What was the extent of the Russian Empire's expansion between the 9th century and the end of the 17th century?

By the end of the 17th century, the Russian Empire had extended eastward to the Pacific Ocean. This is quite a large expansion for an empire that had started out centered around the area of Moscow in the 19th century.

What was the extent of the Russian empire expansion between the 9th century and the end of the 17th century?

By the end of the 17th century, the Russian Empire had extended eastward to the Pacific Ocean. This is quite a large expansion for an empire that had started out centered around the area of Moscow in the 19th century.

What was the extent of the Russian empire's expansion between the 9th century and the end of 17th century?

By the end of the 17th century, the Russian Empire had extended eastward to the Pacific Ocean. This is quite a large expansion for an empire that had started out centered around the area of Moscow in the 19th century.

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Manifest Destiny was the belief that the US should?

Move westward at any cost. The citizens of the United States had a God-given right to conquer the land to the Pacific Ocean.

What phrase described the US Colonial belief that settlers had the right and should expand from shore to shore from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?

Manifest Destiny describes the US Colonial belief that settlers had the right and should expand from shore to shore, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

What empire controlled the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean at the time of Columbus's discovery?

the Spanish empire

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