He was born at the Isle of White
When Was John Ceasar Born?
Faustin I of Haiti was born in 1782.
where was abel tasman born and when
Robert Bylot was born in 1610-1611
Yeoh Ghim Seng was born on 1918-06-22.
Yeap Ghim Guan died in 2007.
Benjamin Yeoh was born in 1978.
Francis Yeoh was born in 1954.
Nikki Yeoh was born in 1973.
Hannah Yeoh was born in 1979.
Joanne Yeoh was born on 1977-04-28.
Yeoh Eng-kiong was born in 1946.
Yeoh Ken Nee was born in 1983.
Dawn Yeoh was born on 1986-05-05.
Yeoh Gun Heong was born in 1951.
Melvin Yeoh was born on 1981-01-05.