First embassy(consulate) was established in 1790 at Liverpool England.
The tallest building was and still is built in Dubai. The name of the building is Burj Khalifa. Its first name was Burj Dubai.
He became famous for building the first empire...
the first drum was made in India
Hot-air balloon.
the person who made the first globe was Randalli Smith, he made it at age 42
A diplomatic building.
Morocco was the first country to recognize the United States as an independent country. As a result, the first American embassy in the world was in Tangier in 1777. The USA still has a legation in Tangier. It is in a building that was a gift to the U.S. in 1821 from Moroccan Sultan Moulay Suliman. Interestingly, the old building is the first piece of property acquired abroad by the U.S. government. ( )
An embassy is an office, or entire building in a country that is staffed by foreign diplomats. These diplomats are representatives of their country to the country they are in. The leader of the embassy is called an ambassador.
The first American embassy was established in 1929
i made it by kavya
in 1790
An embassy.Another View: The first answer is correct ONLY if the Ambassador happens to reside within the building. The word 'embassy' generally refers to the building or offices that actually conduct the business of that nation in the country. If the Ambassador actually lives elsewhere his home is referred to as the Ambassadorial Residence.
Francois Hennebique in 1898 building a factory in Swansea.
Iran i think