I believe the World Trade Center was completed in l97l or maybe l972 though certain facilities such as shops, the Path station were of necessity up and running earlier.
well osama wanted to knock down the twin towers because he wanted to get pay back
he was a radical.
2,606 people died in the Twin Towers, not including the people on board the two planes that crashed into the towers
* Twin towers attacked * H1N1 out break
Because of the day of the attacks. It happend September 11, so it happened in the 9th month on the 11 day. If you were to write the day the same way you write your birthday it would be 9/11. Plus "the day the twin towers were bombed" was just a little to long.
The twin towers were never rebuilt or renamed. They are still simpily called the twin towers.
twin towers
* he was a cleaner in the twin towers
the twin towers were 110 stories tall.
Osama bin Laden did and name the twin towers
The petronas twin towers.
osama bin laden did and name the twin towers
lots 1 the twin towers
The Twin Towers no longer exist.
there going to build the twin towers in 2015
yes they Will make the twin towers again
Acico Twin Towers was created in 2008.