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Q: Where are 47 Czars buried?
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How many czars are buried within the kremlin walls?


When was The Czars created?

The Czars was created in 1994.

What are the names of the 32 czars that Obama has appointed What are the responsibilities of the 32 czars What is the salary that they earn?

What are the names, salaries, and responsibilities of the czars Obama has appointed

When did the czars start rule?

The czars ruled from the 16th century to 1917, WWI.

When was Art Czars created?

Art Czars was created on 2010-04-12.

Are the Czars OBama is appointing constitutional?

they are just as legal s the first 'czars' appointed by Nixon.

How much power to Czars actually have in US government?

None, because czars were the kings in Russia.

What are the mistakes of the Czars?

The Czars spent money on palaces and themselves while their people starved and were treated as slaves.

What country were czars in?


How many czars were there in Russia?


What was Russia under the czars?

a Leader

The Family of Russian Czars?
