in 1666 in the bakery at pudding lane because Thomas Farronor did not put his fire out it spread for 4 days and 5 people died and the bakers maid was the first person to die because she was too scared to climb on the roof and jump.
1666, GF of L, yes, what about it? Great Fire of London was in 1666.
In 1666 AD. From a bakers oven, in Pudding Lane. Pudding Lane still exists. The Monument in London, was erected to memory of the Great Fire of London, by Sir Christopher Wren when he was rebuilding London (St. Paul's Cathedral included), after the Great Fire.
London Fire - 1666 Florence Nightingale birth - 1830
i don't really know but i think somebody else took the throne 1660, it was Charles Stuart's son.
Samuel Pepys
The Great Fire of London was in September, 1666.
The great fire of London took place in 1666 everyone knows that lol! [by a yr5 five in folkestone]
The Great Fire of London happened in 1666
The Great Fire of London was in 1666.
The Great Fire of London started in 1666.
The Great Fire of London was in 1666.
The great fire of London.
The Great Fire of London was in 1666.
The Great Fire of London was in 1666.
The Great Fire of London was in early September 1666.
The Great Fire of London was in 1666.
The Great Fire of London was in 1666.