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from either the hallway or the stairs.

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Q: Where did the only fresh air for tenement rooms come from?
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Where did the only fresh air tenement rooms come from?

From either the hallway or the stairs

According to how the other half lives where did the only fresh air to tenements rooms come from?

From either the hallway or the stairs


Originally referred simply to a multiple-family rental building; in late 1800s, used to describe slum dwellings only. Had many windowless rooms, little or no plumbing or central heating, & perhaps a row of privies in the basement

Which of these words has the short e sound meager tenement or proceed?

Tenement has the short E sound (but only for the first E, as the others are not stressed).

How do you come out of your room and into the city on Habbo?

You can't, you can only go to the rooms that in the room slecetion screen, if you could though, it'd be on there.

What kind of home theater system should I get for my very large living room?

Many brands sell systems for larger rooms. The only difference between them and the ones for smaller rooms is that they come with more speakers.

What is the possessive noun for the men rooms?

Men's room -- if there is only one room Men's rooms -- if there are many rooms.

What is coldness in hospitality?

Advertising air-conditioned rooms when the rooms only have ceiling fans.

How many rooms does neuschwanstein castle have?

There are 1,441 rooms in Schloss Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria. Much of it is preserved as a museum and is open to the public.

Water evaporates from the sea which has salty water but then how does that water come down as fresh rainwater?

Only water is evaporated, not salt.

What palace has 9999 rooms in it?

The Forbidden City palace is rumored to have 9,999 rooms in total. However, this is not factual. The palace only has 8,707 rooms.

Who mostly lived in tenement houses during the nineteenth and twentieth century?

A tenement is a multi-family housing complex that is located in urban areas. They are usually occupied by the poor and old populations. In the early 1800s these tenements were occupied by immigrants