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In the early days of settlement in Australia, farmers would plant their seeds and the cockatoos (cockies) would follow along eating the freshly planted seeds. The term then came to be used to describe any small farmer, particularly as the cockies were prevalent in the bush

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Q: Where does the expression cow cocky come from?
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What is a cow-cocky?

Cow cocky is an Australian and New Zealand term referring to a small scale cattle farmer.

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It is rude to ask an American why they are so cocky and you would not want anyone asking you that question no matter what other country you lived in so that individual you are asking the question of has a right to defend themselves. There are arrogant and cocky people in every country. Unfortunately, you just showed your own ignorance of including all Americans as being cocky.

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Go to -- they have lots of Cocky Shirts!

Is Jo Jonas cocky?

No! He Gets A little anoyed but not cocky! lol

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No, the USDA grades the cow as a whole.

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Cocky's father, Big Spur!!!

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Cocky - album - was created on 2001-11-20.

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No. There are very few people that like and can tolerate cocky behavior.

Why are Europeans so cocky?

they aren't all cocky, that's just a stereotype. those that are cocky have their own private reasons, like anyone else