KUKA is an acronym. It stands for the company name Keller und Knappich Augsburg. Kuka is also short for the word kukamama.
where does the last name uribe comes from
The name Kate is a Greek name.
What is the origin of the name Brigitte
France. :) Claire is my name! :)
Linguistically, the name is German.
KUKA Systems was created in 1898.
The population of KUKA Systems is 3,500.
Klajdi Kuka was born on 1989-03-29.
Pavel Kuka was born on 1968-07-19.
Kuka teki huorin was created in 1986.
There are several products which Kuka is producing. However, the most commonly which Kuka is producing are chocolate bars, chocolate syrup, and powdered chocolate.
Kuka Movement or Namdhari movement was started by Baba Ram Singh in 1872.
Ermin Kuka is an author who has written books such as "Life of a House: Tales of a Kosovo Family" and "The Ministry of Pain." Kuka's work explores themes of family, homeland, and the human experience in the context of war and displacement.
Kuka - 2007 was released on: Russia: 29 November 2007 (Kinotavr Film Festival) USA: 29 November 2007
umu.Often referred to as umu kuka. Kuka is redundant however it is a samoanized form of the english word cook. So umu kuka is a cooking oven.
Baba Ram Singh Namdhari