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Nis, southern Serbia

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Q: Where is Naissus?
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When did Battle of Naissus happen?

Battle of Naissus happened in 268.

When was RK Naissus created?

RK Naissus was created in 2010.

Where did the Battle of Naissus take place?

Naissus is in present day Serbia, and today it's called Nis (Niš; Ниш)

Who was Constantine's family?

Flavius Valerius Constantinus at Naissus (in modern Yugoslavia), Constantine was the son of Constantius Chlorus and his concubine Helena.

Did Claudius ii have a good reputation or bad reputation?

Claudius II had a good reputation. He defeated a huge Goth army in the Battle of Naissus (268 or 269 AD). This ended invasions of the eastern part of the Roman Empire by the Goths and Heruli which had been taking place on and off for thirty years. For this he was given the title of Gothicus (winner against the Goths). Later, Constantine the great, who was born at Naissus, claimed descent from Claudius Ii to bolster his bid for power. According to the medieval Golden Legend of 1260, St Valentine refused to deny Christ before the "Emperor Claudius" during a persecution of the Christians and was beheaded. As the first emperor named Claudius did not persecute the Christians, it was believed that the legend referred to Claudius II. Since then February 14 had been the day dedicated to this Roman priest and physician since then.

What is Ni?

Niš or Nish (both: nēsh), city (1991 pop. 175,391), SE Serbia, on the Nišava River. An important railway and industrial center, it has industries that textiles, cigarettes, electronics, and spirits. The Roman Naissus, it was the site of a victory (A.D. 269) of Claudius II over the Ostrogoths and was the birthplace of Constantine I (Constantine the Great). In 441 it was destroyed by the Huns but was rebuilt (6th cent.) by Emperor Justinian I. In the Middle Ages the city passed back and forth between the Bulgarian and Serbian empires. The Turks captured it c.1386, were defeated there in 1443 by John Hunyadi, and recaptured it again in 1456. It became (until 1878) their most important military stronghold in the Balkans. It passed to Serbia in 1878. The city retains a medieval fortress that dominates the S Morava valley. The Tower of Skulls (Serbian Cele Kula) was built to commemorate the Serbs massacred by the Turks in the uprising of 1809.

What major battles did the Romans win?

The Romans won hundreds of battles in their 1,200 years of history. Important battles the Romans won included the Battle of Ilipa in 206 in southern Spain where the Romans defeated the Carthaginians and took over the Carthaginian Spanish territories , the Battle of Zama in 202BC where they defeated Hannibal, the battle of Pydna in 168 where they defeated the king of Macedon, the Battle of Vercellae in 101 BC where they defeated the Cimbri, a Germanic people who was invading the empire the Battle of Alesia in 52 BC during the conquest of Gaul, the storming of Jerusalem in 70 AD, Trajan's battle of Sarmisegusta in 106 AD against the Dacians , the Battle of Naissus in 268 or 269 BC where Claudius II defeated the Goths, the Battle of Fano in 271 AD where Aurelian defeated the Alemanni, the Battle of Satala in 298 where Galerius defeated the Persians, and the Battle of Pollentia in 402 where Stilicho defeated Alaric I king of the Visigoths. This is far from being a comprehensive list.

How Rome met other met other cultures on the battle field and its greatest victory?

Rome met other cultures on the battlefield through war. There is not a victory which is singled out as the greatest Roman victory. The Romans fought and won hundreds of battles over the centuries of their history. Amon the most important victories were: the Battle of Sentinum (295 BC), where Rome defeated and alliance against her made up of Samnites, Gauls, Umbrians and Etruscans; The Battle of the Aegates Islands (241 BC), which won them the First Punic War; the Battle of Ilipa (206 BC) and the Battle of Zama (202 BC) with which they won the Second Punic War; The Battle of Tigranocerta (69 BC) against the king of Armenia; The Siege of Alesia (52 BC) with which Caesar subdued the Gauls; the Siege of Jerusalem (70 AD) and the Siege of Masada (73-7 AD) in the First Roman-Jewish War; the Battle of Naissus (268 or 269 AD) against the Goths, and the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (451AD) agaisnt Attila of the Huns.

What three cities were not part of the roman empire in 133 bc?

In 133 BC the Roman Empire was still in the early part of its expansion. It only comprised Italy, Dalmatia, part of Spain, Tunisia, western Libya, Greece and part of western Turkey. Most of Rome's imperial expansion occurred after 133 BC. Therefore, there were a great many cities which later became part of the Roman Empire which were not part of it at that time. These included the three biggest cities after Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, (Roman) Carthage, Constantinople (later Empire) and other important cities in Gaul, Lugdunum (Lyons), Burdigala (Bordeaux), and Bononia/Portus Itius and (Boulogne); Spain, Tarraco (Taragona), Cartago (Cartagena) and Ilerda (Ilerda); Britain Londinium (London) Camulodunum (Colchester),Verulamium (St Albans) and Eburacum (York); Germany, Augusta Treivorum (Treir), Colonia Agrippinensium (Cologne) and Augusta Vindelilicorum (Augsburg); Austria, Vindobona (Vienna); Croatia, Spalatum (Split); Serbia, Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica) and Naissus (Niš); Romania, Colonia Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegethusa (ruins); Bulgaria, Serdica (Sophia); Albania Dyrrachium (Durres); Algeria, Hippo Regius (Annaba); Tunisia, Taparura (Sfax); Libya, Leptis Magna (ruins) and Cyrene (Shahhat), etc

What was the cultural and ethnic background of Constantine?

It is not clear whether Constantine the Great (Flavius Valerius Constantinus) a full Roman or a half Roman and half Bithynian. He was born in Naissus (present day Nis, southern Serbia) in the Roman province of Dardania which was in the Roman Diocese of Moesia (the Balkan Peninsula west of the river Danube and north Greece). His father Constantius Chlorus (Marcus Flavius Valerius Constantius) was a Roman native of Dardania. Very little is known about the early life of his mother Helena (or St Helena). It was said that she was a Bithynian woman of low social standing. Bithynia was an area in north-western Turkey which was part of the Roman province of Bithynia and Pontus. The sources do not clarify whether she was a Roman of a Bithynian. It probably did not matter because by then Bithynia was thoroughly Latinised. Her name was Flavia Iulia Helena. It is not clear whether Flavia was derived from her having married into the Flavia clan. It is not even clear whether she was married to Constantius. Some sources claimed that she was Constanius' wife, some claim that she was a stable-maid, while others claim that she was a concubine. All Roman emperors were Romans up to Leo I the Thracian, (reign, 401 - 474) who was dubbed barbarian by many Romans because he was not a Roman. The cultural background of Constantine the great was Roman. Because

What was Constantine cultural and ethnic background?

It is not clear whether Constantine the Great (Flavius Valerius Constantinus) a full Roman or a half Roman and half Bithynian. He was born in Naissus (present day Nis, southern Serbia) in the Roman province of Dardania which was in the Roman Diocese of Moesia (the Balkan Peninsula west of the river Danube and north Greece). His father Constantius Chlorus (Marcus Flavius Valerius Constantius) was a Roman native of Dardania. Very little is known about the early life of his mother Helena (or St Helena). It was said that she was a Bithynian woman of low social standing. Bithynia was an area in north-western Turkey which was part of the Roman province of Bithynia and Pontus. The sources do not clarify whether she was a Roman of a Bithynian. It probably did not matter because by then Bithynia was thoroughly Latinised. Her name was Flavia Iulia Helena. It is not clear whether Flavia was derived from her having married into the Flavia clan. It is not even clear whether she was married to Constantius. Some sources claimed that she was Constanius' wife, some claim that she was a stable-maid, while others claim that she was a concubine. All Roman emperors were Romans up to Leo I the Thracian, (reign, 401 - 474) who was dubbed barbarian by many Romans because he was not a Roman. The cultural background of Constantine the great was Roman. Because

Who were the roman emperors?

The first Roman emperor was Augustus.The title of Roman Emperor, although in some ways a modern concept, effectively summarises the position held by those individuals who wielded power in the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire developed from the Roman Republic after its ascent to the dominant power in Europe, and is characterised by the concentration of power in one individual, rather than the "Senate and People of Rome". However, Augustus, universally accepted to have been the first emperor, was careful to maintain the facade of republic rule, and took no specific title to mark his rule (which began in 27 BC).[1] Instead, he simply concentrated the pre-existing powers of Roman magistrates upon his own person, taking the existing honorific of 'Princeps Senatus' (the 'first' man of the senate).[1] This style of government, which lasted for nearly 300 years, is thus called the 'Principate'. The modern word 'emperor' derives from the title 'Imperator', which was granted by an army to a successful general; as such, during the initial phase of the Roman Empire, it still had to be earned by the 'Princeps'. The term 'emperor', though modern, is used when describing rulers of the Roman Empire, since it a) emphasises the strong links between the ruler and the army (on whose support the ruler's power depended), and b) does not discriminate between the style of rule in different phases of the Empire.In the late 3rd century AD, after the Crisis of the Third Century, Diocletian formalised and embellished the recent manner of imperial rule, establishing the so-called 'Dominate' period of the Roman Empire. This was characterised by the explicit investment of authority in the person of the Emperor, and the use of the style 'Dominus Noster' ('Our Lord'). From Diocletian onwards, there were often multiple simultaneous emperors, dividing the rule of the vast territories between them. After 395 AD, and the death of Theodosius I, the Empire became more firmly split into an Western and Eastern halves[2] They were not legally separate however, and the Emperor of the more stable Eastern Empire often imposed his authority over the Western half. The Western Empire was heavily troubled after 395 AD, and collapsed completely after 455 AD, the last Western Emperor dying in 480 AD; after which the Eastern Empire maintained claim to the territories in the west. The Eastern Empire would continue until 1453, and the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks.[3] The Eastern Emperors, nowadays generally known as the Byzantine Emperors, continued unbroken succession of Roman Emperors. The listing of the earlier Byzantine Emperors in this article ends with Justin II, last of the Justinian dynasty.For further Eastern/Byzantine Emperors, see: List of Byzantine Emperors.The emperors listed in this article are those generally agreed to have been 'legitimate' emperors (e.g. not usurpers, etc.). However, since the emperorship was rather vaguely defined legally, which persons were 'legitimate' is not easy to define; many of the 'legitimate' emperors accessed to the position by usurption, and many 'illegitemate' claimants had a legitimate claim to the position. The following criteria can be used to derive the list:Any individual who undisputedly ruled the whole Empire, at some point, must, in point of fact, be a 'legitimate emperor'(1).Any individual who was nominated as heir or co-emperor by a legitimate emperor (1), and who succeeded to rule in their own right, is a legitimate emperor (2).Where there were multiple claimants, and none were legitimate heirs; the claimant accepted by the Roman Senate as emperor is the legitimate emperor (3), at least during the Principate.So for instance, Aurelian, though acceeding to the throne by usurption, was the sole and undisputed between 274-275 AD, and thus was a legitimate emperor. Gallienus, though not in control of the whole Empire, and plagued by other claimants, was the legitimate heir of (the legitimate emperor) Valerian. Claudius Gothicus, though acceeding illegally, and not in control of the whole Empire, was the only claimant accepted by the Senate, and thus, for his reign, was the legitimate emperor. Equally, during the Year of the Four Emperors, all claimants, though not undisputed, were at some point accepted by the Senate and are thus included; conversely, during the Year of the Five Emperors neither Pescennius Niger or Clodius Albinus were accepted by the Senate, and are thus not included. There are a few examples where individuals were made co-emperor, but never wielded power in their own right (typically the child of an emperor); these are legitimate, but are listed together with the 'senior' emperor.The above formula holds until 395, when the Western and Eastern halves of the Empire split. After that, it continues to hold, with the caveat that a legitimate emperor had undisputed control over one half of the Empire. Towards the end of the Western Empire (after 455), the emperor ceased to be a relevant figure and there was sometimes actually no claimant. For the sake of historical completeness, all Western Emperors after that point are included, even though Romulus Augustus, traditionally the "last Roman Emperor" was technically a usurper.For a more exhaustive list of all claimants, including usurpers, see Concise list of Roman Emperors Contents[hide]1 Principate 1.1 Julio-Claudian dynasty1.2 Year of the Four Emperors & Flavian Dynasty1.3 Nervan-Antonian dynasty1.4 Year of the Five Emperors & Severan dynasty1.5 Emperors during the Crisis of the Third Century2 Dominate 2.1 Tetrarchy and Constantinian dynasty2.2 Valentinian dynasty2.3 Theodosian dynasty2.4 The last emperors of the Western Empire3 The Emperors of the Eastern Empire 3.1 Leonid Dynasty3.2 Justinian Dynasty4 References5 See also6 External links[edit] Principate Main article: Principate [edit] Julio-Claudian dynasty Main article: Julio-Claudian dynastyNameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedAugustusCAESAR DIVI FILIVS AVGVSTVS 23 September 63 BC, Nola, Italia 16 January 27 BC - 19 August AD 14 Became de factoemperor as a result of the 'first settlement' between himself and the Roman Senate. 19 August AD 14Probably old age, possibly assassinated. TiberiusTIBERIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS 16 November 42 BC, Rome 19 August 14 AD - 16 March 37 AD Son of Augustus's wife Livia by a previous marriage; adopted son of Augustus. 16 March 37 ADProbably old age, possibly assassinated. CaligulaGAIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS 31 August 12 AD, Antium, Italia 18 March 37 AD - 24 January 41 AD Son of Tiberius's nephew Germanicus. 24 January 41 ADAssassinated in a conspiracy involving senators and Praetorian Guards. ClaudiusTIBERIVS CLAVDIVS CAESAR AUGUSTUS GERMANICVS 1 August 10 BC, Lugdunum, Gallia Lugdunensis 24 January 41 AD - 13 October 54 AD Nephew of Tiberius, brother of Germanicus and uncle of Caligula; proclaimed emperor by the Praetorian Guard. 13 October 54 ADProbably poisoned by his wife Agrippina the Younger, in favour of her son Nero. NeroNERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS 15 December 37 AD, Antium, Italia 13 October 54 AD - 11 June 68 AD Grandson of Germanicus, step-, and adopted son of Claudius. 11 June 68 ADCommitted suicide after being declared a public enemy by the Senate. [edit] Year of the Four Emperors & Flavian Dynasty Main articles: Year of the Four Emperors and Flavian Dynasty ! width="180" | NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedGalbaSERVIVS GALBA IMPERATOR CAESAR AVGVSTVS 24 December 3 BC, Near Terracina, Italia 8 June 68 AD - 15 January 69 AD Seized power after Nero's suicide, with support of the Spanish legions 15 January 69 ADMurdered by Praetorian Guard OthoMARCVS OTHO CAESAR AVGVSTVS 25 April 32 AD, Ferentinum, Etruria, Italia 15 January 69 AD - 16 April 69 AD Appointed by Praetorian Guard 16 April 69 ADCommitted suicide after losing Battle of Bedriacum to Vitellius VitelliusAVLVS VITELLIVS GERMANICVS AVGVSTVS 24 September 15 AD, Rome 17 April 69 AD - 20 December 69 AD Seized power with support of German Legions (in opposition to Galba/Otho) 20 December 69 ADMurdered by Vespasian's troops VespasianTITVS FLAVIUS CAESAR VESPASIANUS AVGVSTVS 17 November 9 AD, Falacrine, Italia 1 July 69 AD - 24 June 79 AD Seized power with the support of the eastern Legions (in opposition to Vitellius) 24 June 79 AD"Natural Causes" TitusTITVS FLAVIUS CAESAR VESPASIANUS AVGVSTVS 30 December 39 AD, Rome 24 June 79 AD - 13 September 81 AD Son of Vespasian 13 September 81 ADNatural Causes DomitianTITVS FLAVIUS CAESAR DOMITIANUS AVGVSTVS 24 October 51 AD, Rome 14 September 81 AD - 18 September 96 AD Son of Vespasian 18 September 96 ADAssassinated by court officials [edit] Nervan-Antonian dynasty Main article: Nervan-Antonian dynastyMain article: Five Good Emperors ! width="180" | NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedNervaMARCVS COCCIEVS NERVA CAESAR AVGVSTVS, 8 November 30 AD, Narni, Italia 18 September 96 AD - 27 January 98 AD Appointed by the Senate 27 January 98 ADNatural Causes TrajanCAESAR MARCVS VLPIVS NERVA TRAIANVS AVGVSTVS September 18 53 AD, Italica, Hispania Baetica 28 January 98 AD - 7 August 117 AD Adopted son and heir of Nerva 7 August 117 ADNatural Causes HadrianCAESAR PVBLIVS AELIVS TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS 24 January 76 AD, Italica, Hispania Baetica (or Rome) 11 August 117 AD - 10 July 138 AD Adopted son and heir of Trajan 10 July 138 ADNatural Causes Antoninus PiusCAESAR TITVS AELIVS HADRIANVS ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS PIVS 19 September 86 AD, Near Lanuvium, Italia 10 July 138 AD - 7 March 161 AD Adopted son and heir of Hadrian 7 March 161 ADNatural Causes Marcus AureliusCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS 26 April 121 AD, Rome 7 March 161 AD - 17 March 180 AD Adopted son and heir of Antoninus Pius; Co-emperor with Lucius Verus until 169 AD 17 March 180 ADNatural Causes Lucius VerusCAESAR LVCIVS AVRELIVS VERVS AVGVSTVS 15 December 130 AD, Rome 7 March 161 AD - ? March 169 AD Adopted son and heir of Antoninus Pius; Co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius until death March 169 ADNatural Causes CommodusCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS 31 August 161 AD, Lanuvium, Italia 177 AD - 31 December 192 AD Natural son of Marcus Aurelius; joint emperor from 177 AD 31 December 192 ADAssassinated in palace coup [edit] Year of the Five Emperors & Severan dynasty Main articles: Year of the Five Emperors and Severan dynasty family tree ! width="180" | NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedPertinaxCAESAR PVBLIVS HELVIVS PERTINAX AVGVSTVS 1 August 126, Alba, Italia 1 January 193 AD - 28 March 193 AD Proclaimed emperor by Praetorian Guard 28 March 193 ADMurdered by Praetorian Guard Didius JulianusCAESAR MARCVS DIDIVS SEVERVS IVLIANVS AVGVSTVS 133 or 137 AD, Milan, Italia 28 March 193 AD - 1 June 193 AD Won auction held by Praetorian Guard for position of emperor 1 June 193 ADExecuted on orders of the Senate Septimius SeverusCAESAR LVCIVS SEPTIMVS SEVERVS PERTINAX AVGVSTVS 11 April 145 AD, Leptis Magna, Africa 9 April 193 AD - 4 February 211 AD Seized power with support of Pannonian legionsa 4 February 211 ADNatural Causes CaracallaCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS SEVERVS ANTONINVS PIVS AVGVSTVS 4 April 188 AD, Lugdunum, Gallia Lugdunensis 198 AD - 8 April 217 AD Son of Septimius Severus; co-emperor with Severus from 198 AD; with Severus and Geta from 209 AD until February 211 AD; co-emperor with Geta until December 211 AD 8 April 217 ADMurdered by a soldier; probably as part of a conspiracy involving Macrinus GetaCAESAR PVBLIVS SEPTIMIVS GETA AVGVSTUS 7 March 189 AD, Rome 209 AD - 26 December 211 AD Son of Septimius Severus; co-emperor with Severus and Caracalla from 209 AD until February 211 AD; co-emperor with Caracalla until December 211 AD 26 December 211 ADMurdered on the orders of Caracalla MacrinusMARCVS OPELLIVS SEVERVS MACRINVS AVGVSTVS PIVS FELIXwithDiadumenian c.165 AD, Iol Caesarea, Mauretania 11 April 217 AD - 8 June 218 AD Praetorian Prefect to Caracalla, probably conspired to have Caracalla murdered and proclaimed himself emperor after Caracalla's death; appointed his son Diadumenian junior emperor in May 217 8 June 218 ADBoth executed in favour of Elagabalus ElagabalusMARCVS AVRELIVS ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS c.203 AD, Emesa, Syria 8 June 218 AD - 11 March 222 AD Grandson of Septimius Severus's sister-in-law, alleged illegitimate son of Caracalla; proclaimed emperor by Syrian legions 11 March 218 ADMurdered by Praetorian Guard Alexander SeverusCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS SEVERVS ALEXANDER AVGVSTVS 1 October 208 AD, Arca Caesarea, Iudaea 13 March 222 AD - 18 March 235 AD Grandson of Septimius Severus's sister-in-law, cousin and adoptive heir of Elagabalus 18 March 218 ADMurdered by the army Notes aThe other claimants for the throne in the Year of the Five Emperors were Pescennius Niger and Clodius Albinus, supported by the Syrian and British legions respectively. Although not completely defeated until 197 AD, they were not formally accepted by the senate and were therefore not technically reigning emperors; [edit] Emperors during the Crisis of the Third Century Main article: Crisis of the Third CenturyMain article: Roman Emperor (Crisis of the Third Century) ! width="180" | NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedMaximinus ThraxCAESAR GAIVS JVLIVS VERVS MAXIMINVS AVGVSTVS c.173 AD, Thrace or Moesia 20 March 235 AD - April 238 AD Proclaimed emperor by German legions after the murder of Alexander Severus April 238 ADAssassinated by Praetorian Guard Gordian ICAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS SEMPRONIANVS AFRICANVS AVGVSTVS c.159 AD, Phyrgia? 22 March 238 AD - 12 April 238 AD Proclaimed emperor, whilst Pro-consul in Africa, during a revolt against Maximinus. Ruled jointly with his son Gordian II, and in opposition to Maximinus. Technically a usurper, but retrospectively legitimised by the accession of Gordian III April 238 ADCommited suicide upon hearing of the death of Gordian II. Gordian IICAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS SEMPRONIANVS ROMANVS AFRICANVS AVGVSTVS c.192 AD, ? 22 March 238 AD - 12 April 238 AD Proclaimed emperor, alongside father Gordian I, in opposition to Maximinus. Technically a usurper, but retrospectively legitimised by the accession of Gordian III April 238 ADKilled during the Battle of Carthage, fighting a pro-Maximinus army Pupienus MaximusCAESAR MARCVS CLODIVS PVPIENVS MAXIMVS AVGVSTVS c.178 AD, ? 22 April 238 AD - 29 July 238 AD Proclaimed joint emperor with Balbinus by the the Senate in opposition to Maximinus; later co-emperor with Balbinus and Gordian III 29 July 238 ADAssassinated by Praetorian Guard BalbinusCAESAR DECIMVS CAELIVS CALVINVS BALBINVS PIVS AVGVSTVS ? 22 April 238 AD - 29 July 238 AD Proclaimed joint emperor with Pupienus by the Senate after death of Gordian I & II, in opposition to Maximinus; later co-emperor with Pupienus and Gordian III 29 July 238 ADAssassinated by Praetorian Guard Gordian IIICAESAR MARCVS ANTONIVS GORDIANVS AVGVSTVS 20 January 225 AD, Rome 22 April 238 AD - 11 February 244 AD Proclaimed emperor by supporters of Gordian I & II, then by the Senate; joint-emperor with Pupienus and Balbinus until July 238 AD. 11 February 244 ADUnknown; possibly murdered Philip the ArabCAESAR MARCVS IVLIVS PHILLIPVS AVGVSTVS c.204 AD, Shahba, Syria February 244 AD - September/ October 249 AD Praetorian Prefect to Gordian III, took power after his death September/ October 249 ADKilled in battle against Decius, near Verona DeciusCAESAR GAIVS MESSIVS QVINTVS TRAIANVS DECIVS AVGVSTVSwith Herennius Etruscus c.201 AD, Budalia, Lower Pannonia September/ October 249 AD249 AD - June 251 AD Governor under Philip the Arab; proclaimed emperor by Danubian legions and defeated Philip in battle; made his son Herennius Etruscus co-emperor in early 251 AD June 251 ADBoth killed in the Battle of Abrittus fighting against the Goths HostilianCAESAR CAIVS VALENS HOSTILIANVS MESSIVS QVINTVS AVGVSTVS ? June 251 AD - late 251 AD Son of Decius, accepted as heir by the Senate September/October 249 ADNatural causes Trebonianus GallusCAESAR GAIVS VIBIVS TREBONIANVS GALLVS AVGVSTVSwithVolusianus 206 AD, Italia June 251 AD - August 253 AD Governor of Moesia Superior, proclaimed emperor by Danubian legions after Decius's death (and in opposition to Hostilian); made his son Volusianus co-emperor in late 251 AD. August 253 ADAssassinated by their own troops, in favour of Aemilianus AemilianusCAESAR MARCVS AEMILIVS AEMILIANVS AVGVSTVS c.207 AD Africa August 253 AD - October 253 AD Governor of Moesia Superior, proclaimed emperor by Danubian legions after defeating the Goths; accepted as emperor after death of Gallus September/October 249 ADAssassinated by his own troops, in favour of Valerian ValerianCAESAR PVBLIVS LICINIVS VALERIANVSAVGVSTVS c.200 AD October 253 AD - 260 AD Governor of Noricum and Raetia, proclaimed emperor by Rhine legions after death of Gallus; accepted as emperor after death of Aemilianus After 260 ADCaptured in Battle of Edessa against Persians, died in captivity GallienusCAESAR PVBLIVS LICINIVS EGNATIVS GALLIENVS AVGVSTVS ? October 253 AD - September 268 AD Son of Valerian, made co-emperor in 253 AD September 268 ADMurdered in unclear circumstances Claudius GothicusCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS CLAVDIVS AVGVSTVS 10 May 213 AD/214 AD, Sirmium September 268 AD - January 270 AD Victorius general at Battle of Naissus, seized power after Gallienus's death January 270 ADNatural Causes QuintillusCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS CLAVDIVS QVINTILLVS AVGVSTVS ? , Sirmium January 270 AD - 270 AD Brother of Claudius Gothicus, seized power after his death 270 ADUnclear; possibly suicide or murder AurelianCAESAR LVCIVS DOMITIVS AVRELIANVS AVGVSTVS 9 September 214 AD/215 AD , Sirmium September(?) 270 AD - September 270 AD Proclaimed emperor by Danubian legions after Claudius Gothicus's death, in opposition to Quintillus September 275 ADAssassinated by Praetorian Guard TacitusCAESAR MARCVS CLAVDIVS TACITVS AVGVSTVS ?, Interamna September 25 275 AD - June 276 AD Elected by the Senate to replace Aurelian, after a short interregnum June 276 ADNatural Causes FlorianusCAESAR MARCVS ANNIVS FLORIANVS AVGVSTVS ? June 276 AD - September? 276 AD Possibly half-brother of Tacitus, elected by the army in the west to to replace him September? 276 ADAssassinated by his own troops, in favour of Probus ProbusCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS PROBVS AVGVSTVS 232 AD, Sirmium September? 276 AD - September/ October 282 AD Governor of the eastern provinces, proclaimed emperor by Danubian legions in opposition to Florianus 100px September/ October 282 ADAssassinated by his own troops, in favour of Carus CarusCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS CARVS AVGVSTVS c. 230 AD, Narbo September/ October 282 AD - late July/ early August 283 AD Praetorian Prefect to Probus; seized power either before or after Probus was murdered Late July/early August 283 ADNatural causes? CarinusCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS CARINVS AVGVSTVS ? Late July/ early August 283 AD - 285 AD Son of Carus, succeeded him jointly with his brother Numerian 285 ADDied in battle against Diocletian? NumerianCAESAR MARCVS AVRELIVS NVMERIVS NVMERIANVS AVGVSTVS ? Late July/ early August 283 AD - 284 AD? Son of Carus, succeeded him jointly with his brother Carinus 284 ADUnclear; possibly assassinated [edit] Dominate Main article: Dominate [edit] Tetrarchy and Constantinian dynasty Main article: TetrarchyMain article: Constantinian dynasty ! width="180" | NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedDiocletianCAESAR GAIVS AVRELIVS VALERIVS DIOCLETIANVS AVGVSTVS c.22 December 244 AD, Dioclea, Dalmatia 20 November 284 AD - 1 May 305 AD Proclaimed emperor by army after death of Numerian, and in opposition to Carinus; adopted Maximian as senior co-emperor in 286 AD 3 Decemeber 311 ADAbdicated; died of natural causes MaximianCAESAR GAIVS AVRELIVS VALERIVS MAXIMIANVS AVGVSTVS c.250 AD, near Sirmium, Pannonia 1 April 286 AD - 1 May 305 AD Adopted as senior co-emperor ('Augustus') in the west by Diocletian in 286 AD 310 ADAbdicated with Diocletian; twice tried to regain throne with, and then from Maxentius; captured by Constantine I and commited suicide at his behest Constantius I ChlorusCAESAR GAIVS FLAVIVS VALERIVS CONSTANTIVS AVGVSTVS 31 March c.250 AD, Dardania, Moesia 1 May 305 AD - 25 July 306 AD Adopted as junior co-emperor ('Caesar') and heir by Maximian in 293 AD 310 ADNatural causes GaleriusCAESAR GALERIVS VALERIVS MAXIMIANVS AVGVSTVS c.260 AD, Felix Romuliana, Moesia Superior 1 May 305 AD - May 311 AD Adopted as junior co-emperor ('Caesar') and heir by Diocletian in 293 AD 311 ADNatural causes SeverusFLAVIVS VALERIVS SEVERVS AVGVSTVS ? Summer 306 AD - March/ April 307 AD Adopted as junior co-emperor ('Caesar') and heir by Constantius Chlorus in 305 AD; succeeded as Augustus in 306; opposed by Maxentius and Constantine I 16 September 307 ADCaptured by Maxentius and forced to commit suicide (or murdered) Constantine ICAESAR FLAVIVS CONSTANTINVS VALERIVS AVGVSTVS 27 February c.272 AD, Naissus, Moesia Superior 25 July 306 AD - 22 May 337 AD Son of Constantius Chlorus, proclaimed emperor by his father's troops; accepted as Caesar (west) by Galerius in 306 AD; promoted to Augustus (west) in 307 AD by Maximian after death of Severus; refused relegation to Caesar in 309 AD 22 May 337 ADNatural Causes MaxentiusMARCVS AVRELIVS VALERIVS MAXENTIVS AVGVSTVS c.278 AD, ? 28 October 306 AD - 28 October 312 AD Son of Maximian, seized power in 306 after death of Constantius Chlorus, in opposition to Severus and Constantine I; made Caesar (west) by Maximian in 307 AD after the death of Severus 28 October 312 ADDied at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, against Constantine I Maximinus DaiaCAESAR GALERIVS VALERIVS MAXIMINVS AVGVSTVS 20 November c.270 AD, Dacia Aureliana 1 May 311 AD - July/August 313 AD Nephew of Galerius, Adopted as Caesar and his heir in 305 AD; succeeded as Augustus (shared with Licinius) in 311 AD July/August 313 ADDefeated in civil war against Licinius; probably commited suicide thereafter LiciniusCAESAR GAIVS VALERIVS LICINIVS AVGVSTVSwithValerius ValensMartinianus c.250 AD, Felix Romuliana, Moesia Superior 11 November 308 AD - 18 September 324 AD Appointed Augustus in the west by Galerius in 308 BC, in opposition to Maxentius; Became Augustus in the east in 311 AD after the death of Galerius (shared with Maximinus); Defeated Maximinus in civil war to become sole eastern Augustus in 313 BC; Appointed Valerius Valens in 317 AD, and Martinianus in 324 AD as western Augustus, in opposition to Constantine, both nominally ruled for a few months before being executed 325 ADDefeated in civil war against Constantine I in 324 AD and captured; executed on the orders of Constantine the next year Constantine IICAESAR FLAVIVS CLAVDIVS CONSTANTINVS AVGVSTVS 316 AD, Arles 22 May 337 AD - 340 AD Son of Constantine I; appointed Caesar in 317 BC, succeeded as joint Augustus with his brothers Constantius II and Constans 340 ADDied in battle against Constans Constantius IICAESAR FLAVIVS IVLIVS CONSTANTIVS AVGVSTVS 7 August 317 AD, Sirmium, Pannonia 22 May 337 AD - 3 November 361 AD Son of Constantine I; succeeded as joint Augustus with his brothers Constantine II and Constans; sole emperor from 350 AD 340 ADNatural Causes ConstansCAESAR FLAVIVS IVLIVS CONSTANS AVGVSTVS 320 AD, ? 22 May 337 AD - 350 AD Son of Constantine I; succeeded as joint Augustus with his brothers Constantine II and Constantius II 350 ADAssassinated on the orders of the usurper Magnentius JulianCAESAR FLAVIVS CLAVDIVS IVLIANVS AVGVSTVS 331 AD/332 AD, Constantinople, Thracia February 360 AD - 26 June 363 AD Cousin of Constantius II; made Caesar of the west in 355 AD; Proclaimed Augustus by his troops in 360; Sole emperor after the death of Constantius 26 June 363 ADMortally wounded in battle JovianCAESAR FLAVIVS IOVIANVS AVGVSTVS 331 AD, Singidunum, Moesia 26 June 363 AD - 17 February 364 AD General of Julian's army; proclaimed emperor by the troops on Julian's death 17 February 364 ADNatural causes [edit] Valentinian dynasty Main article: Valentinian dynasty ! width="180" | NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedValentinian IFLAVIVS VALENTINIANVS AVGVSTVS 321 AD, Cibalae, Pannonia 26 February 364 AD - 17 November 375 AD Elected to replace Jovian by the army 17 November 375 ADNatural causes ValensFLAVIVS IVLIVS VALENS AVGVSTVS 328 AD, Cibalae, Pannonia 28 March 364 AD - 9 August 378 AD Brother of Valentinian I, appointed co-Augustus (for the east) by him 9 August 378 ADKilled in Battle of Adrianople against the Goths GratianFLAVIVS GRATIANVS AVGVSTVS April 18/May 23 359 AD, Sirmium, Pannonia 4 August 367 AD - 25 August 383 AD Son of Valentinian I, appointed 'junior' Augustus by him in 367, became 'senior' Augustus (for the west) after Valentinian's death. 25 August 383 ADMurdered by rebellious army faction Valentinian IIFLAVIVS VALENTINIANVS JVNIOR AVGVSTVS 371 AD, Milan, Italia 17 November 375 AD - 15 May392 AD Son of Valentinian I, proclaimed emperor by Pannonian army after Valentinian's death; accepted as co-Augustus for the west by Gratian 15 May392 ADUnclear; possibly murdered or commited suicide [edit] Theodosian dynasty Main article: Theodosian dynasty ! width="180" | NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedTheodosius IFLAVIVS THEODOSIVS AVGVSTVS 11 January 347 AD, Cauca, Hispania 1 January 379 AD - 17 January 395 AD Appointed as Augustus for the east by Gratian after the death of Valens; became sole 'senior' Augustus after death of Valentinian II 17 January 395 ADNatural causes ArcadiusFLAVIVS ARCADIVS AVGVSTVSEAST c. 377 AD, Hispania January 383 AD - 1 May 408 AD Son of Theodosius I; Appointed as 'junior' Augustus for the east by Theodosius in 383 (after the death of Gratian); became 'senior' Augustus for the east after his father's death 1 May 408 ADNatural causes HonoriusFLAVIVS HONORIVS AVGVSTVSWEST 9 September 384 AD, ? 23 January 393 AD - 15 August 423 AD Son of Theodosius I; Appointed as 'junior' Augustus for the west by Theodosius in 393 (after the death of Valentinian II); became 'senior' Augustus for the west after his father's death 15 August 423 ADNatural causes Theodosius IIFLAVIVS THEODOSIVS AVGVSTVSEAST 10 April 401 AD, Constantinople? 1 May 408 AD - 28 July 450 AD Son of Arcadius, succeeded to the throne after his father's death 28 July 450 ADNatural causes Constantius IIIFLAVIVS CONSTANTIVS AVGVSTVSWEST ?, Naissus, Moesia Superior 8 February 421 AD - 2 September 421 AD Married to Theodosius I's daughter Galla Placidia, elevated to co-Augustus for the west by Honorius 2 September 421 ADNatural causes JoannesWEST ? 27 August 423 AD - May 425 AD A senior civil servant under Honorius, proclaimed emperor by Castinus; initially undisputed 2 September 421 ADDeafeated in battle by Theodosius II and Valentinian III, captured and executed Valentinian IIIFLAVIVS PLACIDIVS VALENTINIANVS AVGVSTVSWEST 2 July 419 AD, Ravenna, Italia 23 October 424 AD - 16 March 455 AD Son of Constantius III, appointed Caesar for the west by Theodosius II after the death of Honorius, in opposition to the Joannes; became Augustus for the west after the defeat of Joannes 16 March 455 ADAssassinated, possibly at the behest of Petronius Maximus MarcianFLAVIVS MARCIANIUS AVGVSTVSEAST 396, Thrace or Illyria Summer 450 AD - January 457 AD Nominated as successor (and husband) by Pulcheria, sister of Theodosius II January 457 ADNatural causes [edit] The last emperors of the Western Empire Main article: Western Roman Empire ! width="180" | NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedPetronius MaximusFLAVIVS ANICIVS PETRONIVS MAXIMVS AVGVSTVS c.396 AD, ? 17 March 455 AD - 31 May 455 AD Proclaimed himself emperor with the support of the army, after the death of Valentinian III 31 May 455 ADMurdered, probably stoned to death by the Roman mob AvitusEPARCHIVS AVITVS AVGVSTVS c.385 AD, ? 9 July 455 AD - 17 October 456 AD Magister militum under Petronius Maximus, proclaimed emperor by the Visigoth king Theoderic after Petronius's death after 17 October 456 ADDeposed by his Magister militum, Ricimer; became bishop of Placentia; murdered at some point afterwards MajorianIVLIVS VALERIVS MAIORIANVS AVGVSTVS November 420 AD, ? April 457 AD - 2 August 461 AD Appointed emperor by Ricimer 7 August 461 ADDeposed by his troops (probably at the behest of Ricimer); died shortly afterwards in unclear circumstances Libius SeverusLIBIVS SEVERVS AVGVSTVS ?, Lucania, Italia November 461 AD - August 465 AD Appointed emperor by Ricimer August 465 ADProbably assassinated by Ricimer AnthemiusPROCOPIVS ANTHEMIVS AVGVSTVS c. 420 AD 12 April 467 AD - 11 July 472 AD Appointed emperor by Ricimer, with the backing of the eastern emperor Leo I 11 July 472 ADExecuted by Ricimer OlybriusFLAVIVS ANICIVS OLYBRIVS AVGVSTVS c. 420 AD 11 July 472 AD] - 2 November 472 AD Son-in-law of Valentinian III; appointed emperor by Ricimer 2 November 472 ADNatural causes Glycerius ? March 473 AD - June 474 AD Appointed emperor by Gundobad (Ricimer's successor) after 480 ADDeposed by Julius Nepos, became Bishop of Salona, time and manner of death unknown Julius Nepos c. 430 AD, ? June 474 AD - 28 August 475 AD (in Italy); - Spring 480 AD (in Gaul and Dalmatia) Nephew-in-law of the eastern emperor Leo I, appointed emperor in opposition to Glycerius 480 ADDeposed in Italy by Flavius Orestes, ruled in exile until assassination in 480 Romulus Augustus or Romulus Augustulus ? 31 October 475 AD - 4 September 476 AD (in Italy) Appointed by his father, Flavius Orestes after 480 ADDeposed by Odoacer, who then ruled in the name of Julius Nepos until the latter's death, which formally ended the western empire; fate unknown [edit] The Emperors of the Eastern Empire Main articles: Eastern Roman Empire and List of Byzantine Emperors [edit] Leonid Dynasty NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedLeo IFLAVIVS VALERIVS LEO AVGVSTVS 401 AD, ? 7 February 457 AD - 18 January 474 AD Proclaimed emperor by the Magister militum Aspar after Marcian's death 18 January 474 ADNatural causes Leo IIFLAVIVS LEO IVNIOR AVGVSTVS 467 AD, Constantinople? 18 January 474 AD - 17 November 474 AD Grandson of Leo I by his daughter Ariadne (empress) 17 November 474 ADUnclear, possibly assassinated ZenoFLAVIVS ZENO PERPETUUS AVGVSTVS 425 AD, Isauria 9 February 474 AD - 9 January 475 AD &August 476 AD - 9 April 491 AD Father of Leo II 9 April 491 ADNatural causes BasiliscusFLAVIVS BASILISCVS AVGVSTVS ? 9 January 475 AD - August 476 AD Brother-in-law of Leo I, seized power during a plot against Zeno by Verina (Leo I's widow and Basiliscus's sister) August 476 ADDefeated, captured and executed by Zeno Anastius IFLAVIVS ANASTASIVS AVGVSTVS c 430 AD, Dyrrachium 9 April 491 AD - 9 July 518 AD Selected by Ariadne as successor to Zeno (as both emperor and husband) 9 July 518Natural causes [edit] Justinian Dynasty NameBornReignedSuccessionPortraitDiedJustin IFLAVIVS IVSTINVS AVGVSTVS c. 450 AD, Naissus 9 July 518 AD - 1 August 527 AD Commander of the palace guard under Anastasius I); elected as emperor with support of army 1 August 527 ADNatural causes Justinian IFLAVIVS PETRVS SABBATIVS IVSTINIANVS AVGVSTVS c. 482 AD, Tauresium, Dardania 1 August 527 AD - 13/14 November 565 AD Nephew and nominated heir of Justin I 13/14 November 565 ADNatural causes Justin IIFLAVIVS IVSTINIVS IVNIOR AVGVSTVS c. 520 AD, ? 13/14 November 565 AD - 578 AD Nephew of Justinian I 578 ADBecame insane; Tiberius II Constantine ruled as regent from December 574 and became emperor on Justin's death in 578