Saskatchewan's John Diefenbaker, Canada's Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963, was responsible for the Bill of Rights, which turned out to be a rather toothless piece of legislation.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau is the Prime Minister responsible for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is enshrined in Canada's Constitution.
Charles X was a strong believer in absolutism and rejected the very idea of the charter.
14 Points
Those who pushed Parliament to accept the People's Charter
The Massachusetts Bay Colony
New Brunswick is the only bilingual province (Its official languages are French and English) and Nunavut is the only bilingual territory (English and Inuktitut). All other provinces and territories are English-only, except for Quebec, which is French-only. ------------------------- If there is only one it is Manitoba in the centre of Canada. But there are two, one is Manitoba the other NB in Eastern Canada.
Paul Martin.
Having only one Prime Minister from Saskatchewan and since he was Prime Minister in 1960 when the Charter was enacted there can be only one answer.
Paul Martin
paul matin
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
In 1982, when then Prime Minister Trudeau signed the charter into the constitution in Queen Elizabeth's presence, without the inclusion or approval of Québec.
In 1982, when then Prime Minister Trudeau signed the charter into the constitution in Queen Elizabeth's presence, without the inclusion or approval of Québec.
in the charter of rights and freedoms there is sections of rights and fundamental freedoms. each one of them explains the right you have or the freedom you definitely have.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is part of the Constitution of Canada.
me & god
where was it