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Kaskaskia and Cahokia were captured near the present day city of St. Louis, Missouri by Clarks' expedition into the Ohio Valley.

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Q: Which areas were captured near the present day city of St Louis Missouri by Clarkss 1778 expedition into the Ohio Valley?
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When did Lewis and clarks journey begin?

Contrary to popular belief, the expedition DID NOT begin in St. Louis, Missouri. The first entry in the Lewis and Clark Expedition Journals state that the journey began in Pittsburgh, PA on August 30, 1803. Lewis, who had been assigned by Jefferson sailed down the Ohio River with supplies towards St. Louis.William Clark would offer to join Lewis on the expedition weeks later on October 13, 1803 at Camp Dubois (in present-day Indiana). They then named their team the "Corps of Discovery." From there, they sailed down the Ohio River towards St. Louis. Meriwether Lewis had spent the time prior to their departure in St. Louis gathering information from mountain men returning from the west. They then departed St. Louis in May 1804 heading up the Missouri River.

Compare and contrast the discoveries of two important European explorers of California?

In 1442, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo sails along the California coast. He is the first European explorer to navigate this coast. In 1769-1770, the Portola expedition sails along the coast as well as lands and explores the present-day state of California.

What did Pierre Gaultier de Varennes contribute to Canada?

Pierre Gaultier de Varennes was a French soldier and explorer. He was the first person to begin adding western Canadian areas to New France He was also the first explorer from Europe to explore North Dakota and upper Missouri river in present day USA.

Who was Cole Harbour in Nova Scotia Canada named after?

Captain Cole may be the person for whom Cole Harbor in Nova Scotia, Canada, is named. History records him and his sloop as being captured by privateers proximitous to the present harbor during the year 1719. Other suggestions range from a same-surnamed fisherman to a misspelling of "coal" even though the area was not settled until 1817.

World history is the story of human choices that link the past present future to the future past present and influence the present future past?

our beginning life won't be easier for us to exist ,the same in the end but these both ends and begins through the present

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Which areas were captured near present day city of St. Louis Missouri by Clark's expedition into the Ohio valley?


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The expedition traveled along the Missouri River.

What areas did Lewis and Clark expedition and pike expedition explore?

The Lewis and Clark Expedition explored the western portion of the United States, including the Missouri River, the Rocky Mountains, and the Pacific Northwest. The Pike Expedition explored the southwestern portion of the United States, including present-day Colorado and New Mexico, as well as parts of present-day Kansas and Nebraska.

What two rivers met at the starting point of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Missouri River and the Mississippi River met at the starting point of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Lewis and Clark began their journey near present-day St. Louis, where these two rivers converge.

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She died after her expedition to present-day North Dakota

What happened to Zebulon Pike on his expedition?

Zebulon Pike led an expedition in 1806-1807 to explore the southern portion of the Louisiana Territory. He was captured by Spanish forces near present-day Pueblo, Colorado, and taken to Mexico before being released and allowed to continue his exploration. Pike's expedition provided valuable information about the American Southwest.

In what city did the Zebulon Pike expedition start?

The Zebulon Pike expedition started in St. Louis, Missouri. From there, Pike set out to explore and map the western regions of the Louisiana Purchase, including parts of the present-day Midwest and Southwest United States.

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Diu, a Portuguese colony in present-day India, was captured by the Ottoman Empire in 1559.

What areas did the lewis and claek expedition and the pike expedition explore?

The Lewis and Clark expedition explored the western portion of the United States, journeying from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. They focused on the area of the Louisiana Purchase, including present-day states such as Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The Pike expedition, led by Zebulon Pike, explored parts of the western and southwestern United States. They ventured into the Rocky Mountains, the southern Great Plains, and the present-day states of Colorado and New Mexico. Pike's expedition aimed to explore and establish American presence in the newly acquired lands of the Louisiana Purchase.

What states are in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Before Lewis met up with Clark, he began the expedition on August 30, 1803 in Pittsburgh PA. Lt. William Clark would offer to join Lewis on the expedition weeks later on October 13, 1803 at Camp Dubois (in present-day Indiana). And being that the expedition began in Pittsburgh, states the expedition passed through would include: Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, then Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Why is Missouri configured this way?

In a nutshell: Present-day Missouri was once part of the Missouri Territory. The eastern and southern borders of today's Missouri coincided with those of the Missouri Territory. In 1818, Missouri requested admittance to the Union, and the northern and western borders were drawn at pre-selected lines of latitude and longitude. At the time, present-day northwestern Missouri was not included in the state's borders. Then, the Platte Purchase of 1836 added the northwestern area to the state.