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The marine climate zone has more precipitation during the year.

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Q: Which climate zone has more rain through out the year marine or semiarid?
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What type of climate do most people live in?

Most people tend to live in a warmer climate, especially elderly people. As you age, your bones are more sensetive to the colder climate.

What was one major cause of European global exploration during the 15th to 18th centuries?

A changing climate forced people to migrate from cold northern locations to more temperate regions.

What geographic goal drove the czars to expand their empire?

The more land they controlled, the more power and wealth they had. Also the czars were from a country with a harsh climate and poor land, so they wanted good farmland to feed their people

Can people check your history if you are using their wifi?

They can track what you do through their wifi. They can't track what you've done in the past through other network connections without invading your computer (which is theoretically possible to do, but is a lot more complicated than just tracking current use).

How does defroestation affect the world?

Deforestation has significant and far-reaching effects on the world, impacting ecosystems, climate, biodiversity, and human societies. Here are some key ways in which deforestation affects the world: Loss of Biodiversity: Deforestation leads to the destruction of habitats for countless plant and animal species. Many species, particularly those endemic to specific regions, may face extinction due to the loss of their natural environment. Climate Change: Trees absorb and store large amounts of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. When trees are cut down or burned during deforestation, this stored carbon is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, contributing to the greenhouse effect and climate change. Disruption of Water Cycles: Forests play a crucial role in regulating water cycles. Trees absorb water from the soil and release it through a process called transpiration. Deforestation disrupts this cycle, leading to altered precipitation patterns, increased risk of floods, and decreased water availability. Soil Erosion: Trees and their root systems help prevent soil erosion by stabilizing the soil. When forests are cleared, the protective cover is lost, making soil more susceptible to erosion. This can result in degraded soil quality, reduced agricultural productivity, and increased sedimentation in water bodies. Loss of Medicinal Plants: Many medicinal plants and traditional remedies come from forest ecosystems. The loss of these ecosystems through deforestation not only threatens potential future pharmaceutical discoveries but also affects the health and well-being of local communities that rely on these plants. Impact on Indigenous Peoples: Indigenous communities often depend on forests for their livelihoods, cultural practices, and sustenance. Deforestation can lead to the displacement of indigenous peoples, loss of traditional knowledge, and disruptions to their way of life. Economic Consequences: While deforestation may provide short-term economic gains through logging or land conversion for agriculture, the long-term consequences can be detrimental. Loss of ecosystem services, such as pollination, clean water, and climate regulation, can negatively impact various industries. Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Beyond carbon dioxide, deforestation releases other greenhouse gases like methane and nitrous oxide. These emissions contribute to global warming and climate change, exacerbating environmental challenges. Addressing deforestation requires sustainable land management practices, reforestation efforts, and conservation measures. The preservation of forests is essential for maintaining ecological balance, supporting biodiversity, and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Related questions

Which climate zone has more rain throughout the year marine or semiarid name two states that have this climate zone?

Marine climate zones typically have more rain throughout the year than semiarid zones. Two states that have a marine climate zone are Washington and Oregon.

Which climate zone has more rain throughout the year marine or semiarid name two states that has this climate zone?

which climate zone has more rain throughout the year-- marine or semiarid? name two states that have this climate zone

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What are some plants are in a semiarid climate?

Some plants that thrive in a semiarid climate include cactus, succulents, sagebrush, mesquite trees, and yucca plants. These plants have adapted to survive in hot and dry conditions by storing water in their leaves or stems.

Why do parts of the US have semiarid climate while neighboring areas haves humid continental climate?

Air that passes over the steppe in a semiarid climate has lost much of its water vapor as it passes over mountain ranges. Some air that passes over humid continental areas comes from the oceans and does not cross mountain ranges; this air carries more moisture.

Why do parts of the US have a semiarid climate while neighboring areas have humid continental climate?

Air that passes over the steppe in a semiarid climate has lost much of its water vapor as it passes over mountain ranges. Some air that passes over humid continental areas comes from the oceans and does not cross mountain ranges; this air carries more moisture.

Why do parts of the US have a semiarid climate while neighboring areas have a humid continental climate?

Air that passes over the steppe in a semiarid climate has lost much of its water vapor as it passes over mountain ranges. Some air that passes over humid continental areas comes from the oceans and does not cross mountain ranges; this air carries more moisture.

Why do parts of the US have a semiarid climate while neighboring areas have a humid continental?

Air that passes over the steppe in a semiarid climate has lost much of its water vapor as it passes over mountain ranges. Some air that passes over humid continental areas comes from the oceans and does not cross mountain ranges; this air carries more moisture.

What state has a marine climate zone?

They are Washington, California, Alaska, and Hawaii.Read more: What_are_two_states_that_are_in_the_marine_climate_zone

Does the humid continental climate zone get more rain and snow than the marine coast zone?

no its false it does not have the same climate zone

Does the semi arid desert have water?

A true desert is arid, not semiarid. Grasslands are usually considered semiarid and receive more rainfall than a desert.

Where is a marine climate?

It is a type of oceanic climate found near the sea.The temperature near the sea is cool and moderate.It is full of wet and humid .More precipitation occurs in this area.