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The Empire's territorial extent varied over its history but at its peak it encompassed Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, north-eastern France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, part of western Poland, and Italy.

Originally the whole empire was Catholic. It then was torn by the religious wars which occurred during the protestant reformation. The Lutheran and Calvinist versions of Protestantism spread in northern and eastern Germany and in the Netherlands. There was also a Jewish minority.

Currently there are also other religious minorities. The largest one is Islam which accounts for of the population in Belgium, 4 to 5% in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands, 2.4% in Slovenia and 2% in Italy.

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Q: Which denominations of Christianity or other religions are represented within the boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire?
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Which denominations of Christianity or other religions are represented in the area east of the Holy Roman Empire?

Roman Catholic, Calvinist minorities, Eastern Orthodox and Islam

Which religions were founded in the Europe and southwest Asia?

Christianity and Judaism

Which two religions began in south Asia?

Hinduism and Buddhism, but there are many other religions that are thought to have originated in India (such as Christianity and Islam). Also, Taoism and Confucianism are also believed to be derived mainly from Buddhism, which was founded in India

What religions were founded in Europe and Southwest Asia?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were all founded in southwest Asia, more specifically the Middle East.

What was official religion of the roman empire before Christianity?

Before Christianity there was not an official religion in the Roman Empire. The Romans had their religion and the conquered peoples had their religions. The Romans tolerated the religions and customs of the conquered peoples for two reasons: 1) tolerance promoted stability and integration; a rigid policy regarding religion and customs would have led to many rebellions. 2) The Romans did not feel that their religion was threatened by other religions because pagan religions did not have a missionary spirit and did not try to convert people from different religions. The reason why the Romans at one point felt threatened by Christianity was its missionary zeal: they were converting many Romans and this was at times perceived as a threat to the Roman state, which was steeped in Roman religion.

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Which denominations of Christianity or other religions are represented in the area east of the Holy Roman Empire?

Roman Catholic, Calvinist minorities, Eastern Orthodox and Islam

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The United Kingdom is diverse and plural democracy. Almost all major religions are represented including denominations of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism, etc.

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Various denominations of Christianity, Islam, hybrids of the aforementioned religions and indigenous relious beliefs, indigenous tribal religions.

What major religions in Ireland?

Christianity is, represented by both Catholicism & Protestantism.

Which religion has many branches or denominations?

Christianity has the most sects of all the religions, which is in the vicinity of 1000 +/-.

What major religions are in Australia?

Christianity is the highest at 67 percent, followed by Buddhism and Islam both at around 1.5 percent. In-between Christianity and the other religions, around 18.7 percent of Australians have no religion. Of the Christian denominations, the Catholic Church is the largest, followed by the Anglican, and the Uniting Church. Australia is an open/democratic multi race society. ALL religions are welcomed and most are represented. The majority religions are Christian.

What are Australia major religion?

Christianity is the highest at 67 percent, followed by Buddhism and Islam both at around 1.5 percent. In-between Christianity and the other religions, around 18.7 percent of Australians have no religion. Of the Christian denominations, the Catholic Church is the largest, followed by the Anglican, and the Uniting Church. Australia is an open/democratic multi race society. ALL religions are welcomed and most are represented. The majority religions are Christian.

What are the religions with the highest following in the world?

Christianity Though Christianity is not a single religion but a family of religions. If the various Christian religions are separated out, Catholicism would be the largest religion in the world.

How many religions are in the Middle East have?

There are several religions practiced in the Middle East, including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and various sects and denominations within these major religions. The exact number of religions can vary depending on how they are categorized and counted.

Which religion celebrates the sabbath day?

Two major religions. Judaism and Christianity. (Although some Christians do not)

What are the top 5 religions in US?

The top 5 religions in the US are Christianity (including Protestantism, Catholicism, and other denominations), Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Christianity is the largest religion in the US, with various Protestant denominations being the most prevalent.

What types of religions do Christianity use?

Christianity is the religion with three major denominations: Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. In each of these, there are literally thousands of sects.