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In 1628, King Charles I, signed the Petition of Right. Two items from it are in the United States Bill of Rights. It granted the people the rights (1) to not have soldiers quartered in their homes and (2) to due process of law.
Petition of Right

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Queen Mary signed a bill of rights that stated that: the monarch found not make or suspend laws without the consent or approval of Parliament, the monarch needed the consent of Parliament to raise taxes and maintain army, the monarch could not interfere with Parliamentary elections, the monarch would protect freedom of religion, the right to petition, and other freedoms we see as basic today.

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Q: Which document was signed by King Charles of England in 1628?
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Signed by King Charles I of England in 1628?

petition of right

What document was signed by King Charles I of England in 1628?

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What document was signed by King Charles I?

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When was the Petition of Right signed?

It was signed in 1628 by Charles I.

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What year was the petition of right signed?

The Petition of Right was signed in 1628 by King Charles I of England in response to grievances raised by Parliament regarding his violation of their rights and liberties.

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