In the 1400s and 1500s, more slaves were sold between African countries than across the Atlantic. In the 1600s, more slaves were sold across the Atlantic. (apex)
In the 1400s and 1500s, more slaves were sold between African countries than across the Atlantic. In the 1600s, more slaves were sold across the Atlantic. (apex)
Europeans forced millions of Africans to work as slaves in the New World. They were captured from various regions of Africa and transported across the Atlantic Ocean to work on plantations, mines, and in other forms of labor in the Americas. This brutal and exploitative system of slavery played a significant role in the economic development of European colonies in the New World.
cabeza de vaca
Europeans traveled to the western hemisphere by ship, across the Atlantic Ocean.
As far as we know at this time.
John Cabot
Indian Attacks.
Europeans were forced to explore when the Turks blocked the caravan routes to the Far East and the Spice Islands
Because the Europeans brought disease among the Aboriginals and their numbers were declining. Also the Europeans kept on coming across the Atlantic Ocean with more and more Europeans making their numbers grow.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus
Age of Exploration
The Pilgrims took the "Middle Passage", which is a harsh and often deadly voyage often lasting up to 3 months across the Atlantic Ocean.
Christopher Columbus voyage for a sea route to Asia
Age of Exploration