A large naval fleet allowed Britain to become a great power during the 18th century
Great Britain (of which England was a part)
Sea power led to Colonization, led to profits...Profits of early Triangular Trade...helpedfinance Industrialization...Banking practices (lending/Credit) allowed further investment and growth of economy...
Britannia was the ruler and Britain was Scotland, wales, England, Cornwall and Ireland all put together.
In 1757. And she was part of Britain till 1947.
The movement of the headquarters of the Russian Empire to St. Petersburg allowed that city to become a forward capital. This led to economic and strategic growth of the city.
Parliament in Britain achieved political sovereignty in the 18th Century.
the poor living conditions of immigrants
Carbon has been present as an element since the formation of the universe, but it became a commonly recognized element in the 18th century when scientists began studying its properties and compounds in more detail.
become an international superpower later in the twentieth century.
what did Britain become in Victoria times
Cobalt was officially discovered as an element and added to the periodic table in the late 18th century, with its discovery commonly attributed to the Swedish chemist Georg Brandt in 1735.
Resources, population, empire and the improvement in transport. e.g roads, canal
yes,we have allowed machines to become our masters.
Low interest rates during the first years of the twenty-first century allowed many Americans to become homeowners, driving the real estate market.
The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for the mass production and dissemination of poetry, making it more accessible to the general public. This increased availability helped poetry become a common form of literary expression.
if I'm right i think almost anybody is allowed to become a citizen of autralia.