Excluding the Vikings from Scandinavia and Iceland, the first Europeans to settle in the Americas were the Spanish and the Portuguese. Columbus arrived in the islands off North America in 1492, and he and others established colonies for Spain in the West Indies. Portugal, having established an easterly trade route around Africa, also became interested in the New World, establishing a colony in Brazil in 1500.
Tyre was a trading colony established by the Phoenicians. Ur was a city in Mesopotamia founded by the Sumerians.
The first permanent Spanish settlement in North America was St. Augustine in what became Florida. It was established in September of 1565.
Russia , -or Canada.
An English explorer had set sail for the Americas.
The first settlers moved to the Americas and established the Roanoke Colony.
They wanted power, money, and resources.
It was Russia.
brought missionaries to convert the Native Americans
The Georgia colony was established as a buffer between Spanish Florida to the south and the English Carolina colonies to the north.
It was the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico (Spanish: Real y Pontificia Universidad de Mexico), established in 1545. It was also the first university found in the colony of New Spain (now Mexico) and second in the Americas.
The Spanish called the new colony they established on the site of Tenochtitlan "Mexico City" after conquering the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century.
The United Kingdom. They established the Gibraltar Colony in what was then Spanish territory, as well as much of Africa.
Sir Francis Drake