At the popular grass roots level it remained revolution based on bread and the hope for a better tomorrow. The peasants were not concerned with politics or Enlighternment Theory. Those were the concepts of theory and they were only involved in the hope of feeding the family.
self-government and individual freedom.
A) Execution of Thousands of People Suspected of Treason The Reign of Terror during the French Revolution led to the execution of thousands of people suspected of treason. The French Revolutionary Government (1793-1794) tried to protect the Revolution against domestic enemies. It arrested thousands of suspected enemies of the Revolution for treason, and either imprisoned or executed the suspects. The French Revolutionary Government executed both the king and queen of France. for plato users the answer is (A)
The scientific revolution led to new ways of thinking about the world, which led to the inventions that made the Industrial Revolution possible.…
the revolution led to many changes in France. the revolution led to development of new political forces such as democracy and nationlism. The revolution also gave new meanings and ideas to the political ideas of the people . The reign of terror largely administered by Danton and Robespierre saw the behadine of many members of the royalty including Marie Antoniette and countless others who were members of the French court. As France struggled under ineffective leadership that changed very little . Napoleon was able to return from a campaign in Egypt and seize power with militry help. French culture was the emergence of middle class.
Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks to revolution in Russia during WWI
self-government and individual freedom.
self-government and individual freedom.
the French Revolution.
The main idea that led to the American Revolution was that people should not be taxed if they do not have representation in the body that is taxing them. Another idea is that people should be free to choose who it is that governs them. self government and individual rights (gradpoint)
it led to the fall of the french monarch
The French Revolution.
the construction of the bastille
The revolution of the French is simply referred to as the French Revolution. This revolution led to the writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
the death of louis xvl
Marie Antionette.