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the National Convention

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Q: Which legislative bodies ended the monarchy and proclaimed France a republic?
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What was the French republic?

It was the government which took control of France after the royalty were removed. The new Republic of France was inspired by the US Republic, but the similarity mostly ends there.

In 1792 the national convention voted to abolish the monarchy and make France into what?

The national convention established the First Republic.

When was the french monarchy overthrown?

It officially ended with the death of the last real King of France on Januari 21st, 1793: Louis XVI. After that, Napoleon came to power and after that the monarchy was temporarily restored, though, king Louis XVIII and Charles X of France were only king in name, and had no official reigning powers.

How did the France become a constitutional monarchy?

France became a constitutional monarchy as a result of the French Revolution. The new constitution came into effect in 1791 but before long the struggle between radicals and moderates tore the government apart. The King was deposed in 1792 and executed. France then became a republic. The First Republic was an unstable government that faced internal insurrection and foreign invasion. The Reign of Terror saw the executions of thousands of people and widespread violence. Eventually the Republic was ended by Napoleon Bonaparte, who named himself initially First Consul and, in 1804, Emperor of France. Although the Empire had a Constitution, in practice Napoleon ruled as a dictator. Once he was deposed in 1815, the Bourbon Kings were restored, with a "compromise" constitution that limited their powers but still recognised them as rulers by Divine Right. France was then a constitutional monarchy from 1815 to 1848. King Charles X was foricbly overthrown in 1830 when he refused to share power with the legislature; his successor, Louis-Phillipe, promised to rule as a constitutional monarch. Louis-Phillipe maintained the existing monarchist constitution, but like his predecessors continually interfered with government. Eventually the French overthrew him and France became a republic once again in 1848. This Second Republic was also short-lived because its President, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, the heir of Napoleon I, soon proclaimed himself Emperor in 1851. Unlike Napoleon I, Napoleon III, as he was known, ruled with a legislative assembly. Napoleon III was the last monarch to rule over France. In 1871 he abdicated after France was defeated in the Franco-Prussian War, and the Third Republic was proclaimed.

Did France have a monarchy?

France is not a monarchy and therefore does not have a King and Queen. France is a republic and had a president, Nicolas Sarcozy. France used to be a monarchy, but during the French Revolution the French killed their last King and Queen (Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette) because at that time France was bankrupt and the people were starving. They blamed it all on their King and Queen, which was not fair. Though, the revolutionists wanted France to become a republic so the bourgeoisie could reign alongside their president. In the monarchy France used to be, this was not the case, and the King had the only right to reign the way he saw fit.

Related questions

Is France a monarchy-?

France is no more a monarchy ,it is a republic . it has a president and a prime minister.

How did revolution change the way France was governed?

France went from being a monarchy to a democratic republic with a President and a Constitution.

Does the French monarchy influence politics?

No it does not. France has not had a monarchy since 1848. It is a republic, so it has a president.

What is the political history of France?

Very varied, as it is in most countries. Basically, France was a monarchy for many centuries, then there was the French Revolution, then followed various episodes of republic and monarchy and republic until things settled in the late 1950s as a modern republic with a president.

What don't France and Spain have in common?

Spain is a federal state. It is a monarchy. France is a centralized state, and a republic.

What are the political diffences between Spain and France?

France is a republic with a elected president, while Spain is a monarchy.

What was the French republic?

It was the government which took control of France after the royalty were removed. The new Republic of France was inspired by the US Republic, but the similarity mostly ends there.

Is France a monarchy or republic or other kind of government?

Right now, it is a democracy.

In 1792 the national convention votes to abolish the monarchy and make France a?


In 1792 the nation convention voted to abolish the monarchy and make France a?


Who is queen of France?

France does not have a queen. Marie Antoinette was the last queen of France and that was in 1792. France is not a monarchy and therefore does not have a King and Queen. France is a republic and has a president, Nicolas Sarcozy. France used to be a monarchy, but during the French Revolution the French killed their last King and Queen (Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette) because at that time France was bankrupt and the people were starving. They blamed it all on their King and Queen, which was not fair. Though, the revolutionists wanted France to become a republic so the bourgeoisie could reign alongside their president. In the monarchy France used to be, this was not the case, and the King had the only right to reign the way he saw fit (an absolutist monarchy). France is not a monarchy and therefore does not have a King and Queen. France is a republic and has a president,

Why did Europe declare war on France during the revolution?

The French Revolution which took place during the time period of 1789-1793 became a republic and then France proclaimed a war of all peoples against all kings. Briton at the time had a king and so france declared war on them.