European populations grew as a result of American foods being introduced to European diets.
People say that the Columbian Exchange occurred but it really didn't benefit the people of the New World very much.Worse for the New World, was the loss of 90 percent of the native population due to diseases that they never had seen before.There had been about 80 million and only around 720,000 were left. The land appeared to be empty.
One result of this exchange was the transfer of germs and viruses that brought diseases from europe to asia
Answer this question… The competition between European powers to build the largest army and navy Assasination of Prince Ferdinand in the street of Bosna initiated WW1
The columbian exchange was important in the history of the world because it promoted the exchange of idea's and item between continents and changed lives in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Examples are : New World to Old World: tomatoes, potatoes , squash, beans, pumpkins, tobacco, corn and even chocolate. Old World to new World: cows, pigs, goats, horses, chickens, citrus fruits, grapes and onions and even smallpox.
Practically all of the textbooks will get into a page or two or ten about the decimation of American Indians, or a page about how important maize is when all European crops fail, and things like that.
Huge numbers of indigenous peoples were wiped out by European diseases.
Huge numbers of indigenous peoples were wiped out by European diseases.
Huge numbers of indigenous peoples were wiped out by European diseases.
Inventing Paper
Congressional Reconstruction restricted eligibility for participation in the state constitutional conventions in the South.
creation of a system of philosophy based on logic and observation.
Following instructions is important as it ensures tasks are completed accurately and efficiently. Following directions also demonstrates respect for authority and the rules in place. Failure to follow instructions can lead to mistakes, delays, or misunderstandings.
I would think to both speak and listen accurately would both be important.
Their decision to finance Christopher Columbus's voyage led directly to the beginning of European exploration of the Americas.
While Hindus worship many gods, three of them Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are the most important. They represent the fundamental aspects of Hinduism.
The Columbian Exchange introduced important foods, such as potatoes, tomatoes, and chocolate, to Europe. It also introduced diseases such as smallpox to the New World.
People say that the Columbian Exchange occurred but it really didn't benefit the people of the New World very much.Worse for the New World, was the loss of 90 percent of the native population due to diseases that they never had seen before.There had been about 80 million and only around 720,000 were left. The land appeared to be empty.