"American purity is being harmed by the immigration of non-Anglo-Saxon people."
Africans should exchange their heritage and culture for European culture.
United States
Jazz Age literature all conveyed a sense of disillusionment with American society and culture. The literature was critical of American society and culture.
Europe lost much of its previous optimism and there was a widespread sense of disorientation.
Four important developments in human culture are Elements of Culture ,People and Their Land,Early Technology ,and The Start of Agriculture
Many places in the United States have Native American names.
The use of mustard gas in the trenches of WWI did not contribute to emphasis on consumerism in American culture in the years following World War 2.
"anglicize" American culture.
The use of mustard gas in the trenches of WWI did not contribute to emphasis on consumerism in American culture in the years following World War 2.
Roman culture influenced American culture through its architecture, literate and laws. The Neoclassical architecture and sculpture (18th to early 20th century) was based on Roman architecture. Roma literature influenced western literature and the American elites until the 20th century. Modern law has been influenced by Roman law. There was also an interest in Roman history and mythology
Study your US History book
Richard Wright and Langston Hughes
The British Invasion
Alexis de Tocqueville
Social Class and Culture
British invasion