because the seven provinces at the time would not have been protected from the U.S. After the civil war the provinces believed that if the U.S. sent the armies north ,so if the provinces joined theywould have a better army to fight with.
At confederation there were four provinces. As time progressed more provinces and territorities became parts of Canada, some territorities became provinces and part of Canada was annexed by the United States. For more details you might consider reading the wikipedia article about Canada.
There are a number of things that the fathers of confederation did. They brought provinces together and worked out various democratic ways of governing these territories in various conferences.
On the day of Confederation (July 1, 1867) two provinces were created. Pursuant to section 6 of the British North America Act (now the Constitution Act) the pre-Confederation Province of Canada was severed into the Province of Ontario and the Province of Québec. The Province of Manitoba was created on July 15, 1870. The Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were created on September 1, 1905. All other provinces joined as colonies.
When Canada came into being on July 1, 1867, it consisted of four provinces: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario. All four provinces became part of Canada at the same moment in time, and none has a higher priority in joining than any of the others.
Wrong. First, Ontario did not exist as such until Confederation. Second, that part of the Province of Canada which had formerly been Upper Canada (and which formed the basis of today's Ontario) had the most to gain from Confederation and was the strongest supporter of Confederation. Third, although all provinces have benefited from Confederation, it is probably fair to say that Ontario has benefited the most from Confederation.
Rome benefited from it''s provinces because they collected food, provided exports and provided soldiers for war.
Confederation was and is a benefit to all regions of Canada.
Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and british Columbia were the first provinces to join confederation.
U mom did
The four original provinces of Canadian Confederation in 1867 were Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.
The confederation of Canada was originally formed by the four provinces New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Ontario. Canada became a country in 1867 with its first four provinces, and now has ten provinces and three territories.
well there are 12... but i just forgot them...
Nova Scotia.
Quebec joined confederation in 1867- with the other first three provinces.