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William Rufus

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Q: Which son of King William was killed in 1100?
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Who replaced king william the first of england?

In England King William I, the Conqueror, was succeeded by his son, William II, William RufusHis third (and favourite) son William (Rufus) II who reigned until 1100 when he was shot by by a stray arrow during a hunt.

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According to Virgil and William Shakespeare, Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, killed the King of Troy, Priam. -- according on the movie agamemnom killed king priam -- anmarie sumang

Who reigned after William the Conqueror?

William the Conqeuror was another heir to the throne (and so was Harold). William was from Normandy and he sailed to England to claim the throne. Harold was elected to be the next king by the nobles, but William insisted he was the next rightful king because he was a relative. At the battle of Hastings, it was the major turning point and William became king.

Which son of King William became King?

King William III ruled England starting in 1689. He died in 1702 and was replaced on the Throne of England by his son John William Friso, or William IV.

Who will be king after William?

His eldest son!

Who will be king if Prince William does not accept?

If prince William does not accept then either his son will be king or there will not be any king

Who was the next king of England after William the Conqueror?

The people who were king after William the Conqueror were William II (William's son) Henry I ( Williams son) Steven (Williams grandson and Henry's nephew) Henry II (grandson of Henry I)

Was William 2nd William the conquerer's son?

YES, William II (c. 1056 - 2 August 1100), was the third son of William the Conqueror (William I), and was King of England from 1087 until 1100, with powers over Normandy, and influence in Scotland. He was less successful in extending control into Wales. William is commonly known as William Rufus, perhaps because of his red-faced appearance, or red hair.

Who became king after William Conqueror died?

William II, his son.

Who killed king Minos son?

If you mean the Minotaur, the son of the wife of Minos by a bull, it was killed by the hero Theseus.

What happened to the king?

Laius was killed by his son Oedipus.

Why didn't Robert son of William I become King?

King William I of England (William the Conqueror) had been king of England since his victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. He had previously been, and still was, Duke of Normandy - the North Western part of France. He had four sons, Robert born around 1051, Richard, born about 1055,William born around 1056 and Henry, born about 1068. He also had a daughter, Adela, born about 1062, and his second son, Richard died in 1081. It would have been the custom for the oldest son, Robert, to inherit the crown of England on his father's death but King William decreed on his deathbed in 1087, that Robert would become Duke of Normandy and his second son, William would become King of England. William II became king in 1087 and was succeeded by his younger brother, Henry I in 1100. Henry reigned until his own death in 1135.