Peaesents didn't have to pay more taxes after Napoleon took charge. The most concrete results of the French Revolution were probably achieved in 1789-91, when land was freed from customary burdens and the old corporate society was destroyed. This "abolition of feudalism" promoted individualism and egalitarianism but probably retarded the growth of a capitalist economy. Although only prosperous peasants were able to purchase land confiscated from the church and the emigrant nobility, France became increasingly a land of peasant proprietors. The bourgeoisie that acquired social predominance during the Directory and the Consulate was primarily composed of officials and landed proprietors, and although the war enabled some speculators and contractors to make fortunes, it delayed economic development. The great reforms of 1789-91 nevertheless established an enduring administrative and legal system, and much of the revolutionaries' work in humanizing the law itself was subsequently incorporated in the Napoleonic Code. Politically, the revolution was more significant than successful. Since 1789 the French government has been either parliamentary and constitutional or based on the plebiscitary system that Napoleon inherited and developed. Between 1789 and 1799, however, democracy failed. Frequent elections bred apathy, and filling offices by nomination became commonplace even before Napoleon made it systematic. The Jacobins' fraternal--and Jacobin-controlled--community expired in 1794, the direct democracy of the sansculottes was crushed in 1795, and the republic perished in 1804; but as ideals they continued to inspire and embitter French politics and keep right and left, church and state, far apart. The Revolution nevertheless freed the state from the trammels of its medieval past, releasing such unprecedented power that the revolutionaries could defy, and Napoleon conquer, the rest of Europe. Moreover, that power acknowledged no restraint: in 1793 unity was imposed on the nation by the Terror. Europe and the world have ever since been learning what infringements of liberty can issue from the concepts of national sovereignty and the will of the people.
Outcomes of french revolution
* - French people finally overthrew the aristocracy of the day and took control. * - It swept away the French monarchy and nobility * - The French Revolution may have been bloody and violent, but in the end it changed the economical, political, and social structure of France forever. * - Probably the best reforms to come out of the Revolution were the reforms that would be the cornerstone of a legal and administrative system that still endures. * - Beginning of democracy
The results of the 1830 French Revolution (also known as the July Revolution) included the end of the attempted absolute monarchy of Charles X, The end of the House of Bourbon's reign in France and the accession of king Louis-Philippe and his constitutional monarchy known as the July Monarchy.
There are only three phases of the Revolution. The third phase is the French Revolution.
American, French and Industrial revolution
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
The slaves were the massive group who wanted to be freed, "les gens de couleurs" or Affranchis wanted the french to leave so they coud be in first place . Then there were the "blancs" french and spanish colons who where exploiting the country.
Some were certainly not new and not uniquely French such as the separation between Church and State, the rights of man and the Citizen, Divine Right of a Monarch and the role of Capital punishment.
compare the french revolution with revolt of 1857under these topics; 1 when was it stated 2 centers of revolts or revolution fill them in map 3 heroes of revolt and revolution[with pictures] 4 three immediate causes
Three immediate impacts of the Cuban Revolution were the establishment of a socialist government led by Fidel Castro, the nationalization of industries and land, and the severing of diplomatic ties with the United States.
There are several French Revolutions. Assuming that you are referring to French Revolution of 1789, the people as a whole did not really get a much larger say. However, the leadership shifted from being the monarchy and the nobility to a bourgeoisie dictatorship. The French Revolution of 1823 had few tangible results (this is the French Revolution of Les Miserables). The French Revolution of 1848 was successful in creating the Second Republic of France, which was promptly ended three years later by Napoleon III and the creation of the Second French Empire.
There are only three phases of the Revolution. The third phase is the French Revolution.
the were independent
The Three Estates.
American, French and Industrial revolution
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
American, French and Industrial revolution
The financial crisis was largely responsible for the outbreak of the revolution, seeing how it led to food shortages. The inequalities between the three estates were the background causes of the revolution, but the financial crisis which led to bread shortages was the immediate cause.
I'm assuming you mean how all three are different. The America revolution was to break away from the Mother Country. The French revolution was to force the monarchy out of power so they could have a democratic government. The Glorious Revolution was to keep Catholics off throne of Protestant England because a Catholic heading the Anglican church just wouldn't work.