Mahatma Gandhi lead the Indian people to their Independence, even though he was assassinated before India's independence against the BritishJawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister, he had worked for many years with Mahatma Gandhi and others for independence.^^ -TAL
Pakistan and Bengal
The First and Second Continental Congress :0)
The spanish government favored the peninsulares over the creoles, often rewarding them with powerful government positions.
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Vardar Banovina). More info - The wealthy Slovenia and Croatia went independent in 1991, then followed by FYROM. After that Bosnia went independent in 1992. Serbia and Montenegro never declared independence and have kept the name Yugoslavia for their own Union.
They were independent republics.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.It was disbanned over 10 years ago and the various republics such as the Ukraine obtained their independence.
They were independent republics.
They were independent republics
Before it was a park, it was a cluster of villages where roughly 1,600 of the city's poorest residents lived.
Some of the Greek city-states were republics, Athens for example.
the british ruled Trinidad before independence
Bolivia was ruled by Spain before it achieved independence.
The queen of England (queen Elizabeth) ruled Botswana before independence.
Poverty before independence is a variety of methods have been proposed to measure it. This is shown on a map.