The chief goal of the Spanish was to extract the mineral wealth, such as gold and silver, and send it back to Europe. The natives were used in the manner of slaves to do this, and very little effort was put forth to establish positive relationships with the native people. The French, on the other hand, were interested in the trade of furs in the New World. This required the cooperation of the natives, thus efforts were put forth to establish alliances with them.
Henry Hudson
The foreign policy initiative calling for an end to all European colonization efforts in the Western Hemisphere was known as the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was brought about in 1823.
The least effective method of supporting world peace efforts is to do nothing. Some methods that you can use as an individual include writing letters and calling political leaders, organizing others and holding a rally, and sharing the word on social media.
God help me
Richard Hakluyt
The French challenged Spanish colonization efforts in the Philippines as did many Filipinos themselves.
i think it means high in efforts status
To make efforts to learn Spanish, It could be very good for you in the future.
the Comanche where the main problem for the Spanish to colonize Texas
The most recent efforts to ban same-sex marriage, in Minnesota, Maine and Washington, were a complete failure.
they made efforts to build a free-market economy, or an economy in which producers compete freely for consumers' business.
She was determined to stare down any disaster in her efforts ~Apex
After the return of Colombus to Spain, the Spanish in the early 1500's, began to make serious efforts to take control of islands in the West Indies.