The French Revolution.
The economic collapse of the country.
rise to power of napoleon bonaparte
There are a lot of things that are not results of the French Revolution. However, to give you a reasonable answer, you will need to resubmit the question with the choices.
Because it was a people's or popular revolution begun at the grass roots for bread and hope and not created by a philosopher or political scientist. Examples include the Storming of the Bastille and the Women's March on Versailles.
The French Revolution started on Bastille Day, July 14, 1789
An effective thesis for an essay on the cause of the French Revolution could be: "The French Revolution was primarily caused by a combination of social, economic, and political factors, including widespread inequality, financial crisis, and political corruption, which led to a breakdown of trust in the monarchy and a desire for revolutionary change among the French people."
The financial crisis in France was a direct cause of the 1789 French Revolution.
No Marie Antoinette did not cause the French Revolution.
French economic crisis.
French economic crisis.
The French and Indian War and the American Revolution.
No, Napoleon was drafted by the French Military. The cause for it was a protest for Democracy, not Monarchy
The French Revolution.
He sneezed.
The French Revolution.
ok i don't know why everyone calls the french and Indian war the french revolution cause there was a french revolution but the french revolution is differ from American revolution and french and Indian war was fought in new franceand the colonist moved there wanted freedom caused a war and french helped them defeat british