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Practically all of the textbooks will get into a page or two or ten about the decimation of American Indians, or a page about how important maize is when all European crops fail, and things like that.

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Q: Who benefited more from the Columbian exchange the new or old world?
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Who do you think benefited more from the columbian exchange europeans or people in the Americas?


How did the columbian exchange and the slave trade affect the economies and the people of Europe Africa and the Americans?

The Columbian Exchange and the slave trade affect the economies and the people in Europe, Africa, and The Americas in many ways. Columbian Exchange might have been very popular back then, especially when the Europeans explorers brought new plants and animals to Europe and Asia like corn, potatoes, tobacco, and cocoa and when Europe and Asia brought horses, cattle, and pigs to The Americas. "The Columbian exchange dramatically changed the world". This quote from the textbook explains and shows how valued and how Columbian exchange had an impact on the world. This Columbian exchange really change the world not only for good, but for bad. It all started like new items, food, and animals. But after time it all became an tragedy. The Columbian exchange had good things in the beginning this exchanged continued to improve diets and no longer life spans.But on the bad side lots of innocent people started to die. This new items, food and animals that came from the Native Americans had no natural ingredients and were not disinfected which brought a huge diseases to the Europeans and Asians. This diseases often started to expand until it was killing almost all of the population. Besides the Europeans were not getting any of this food, items, or animals for free, they started to trade their goods with the Americas for their goods, since for them the Americas goods where new and different. The Columbian exchange did not only bring diseases to the Europeans and Asians. The Americas, Asians and European started to take trading more developed. "Over time, a trading pattern involving the exchange of raw materials, manufactured products, and slaves developed among Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europeans shipped millions of enslaved Africans to work in the colonies in the New World." Trading started to get harsh and very mean overtime. From trading goods from each other like food and animals, it started to trade their own people.

How did the introduction of the animals in the Columbian Exchange affect many Native American?

The because he thought he landed on Where he wanted to go so more settlers came and claimed the Native Americans land and made them there people.

What was a result of the Columbian Exchange?

new food sourcesThe distribution of food to new places was a positive result of the Columbia Exchange

What was the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange was a biological and cultural exchange of plants (especially potato, maize and various fruits), animals (e.g. horses), humans (via slavery) and their culture, and communicable diseases between Europe (the "Old World") and the Americas after Christopher Columbus's first voyage to the Caribbean in 1492.The term was coined by historian Alfred Crosby in 1972, although the "event" took place hundreds of years earlier. The Columbian Exchange is considered to have been of great benefit to the Europeans who sought to spread out and conquer other lands, but it ultimately brought disaster to the Native Americans.the biological interactions that reThe Columbian Exchange, sometimes known as the Grand Exchange, is a term used to denote the massive exchange of agricultural goods, slave labor, communicable diseases, and ideas between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres which occurred after the year 1492CE.The columbian exchange is the exchange of goods between Europe and its colonies in North and South America.The Columbian exchange was the exchange of diseases, crops, and goods between Europe and the Americas starting with the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492.The Columbian Exchange relates to the exchange of animals, technology, culture, ideas and crops.The movement of people, plants, animals, and germs across the Atlantic Ocean is the Colombian Exchange.As a result of Columbus's voyages to the New World, a biological pipeline between America and Europe opened up that had been apart since before humans appeared on earth. The lands had drifted apart that had once been connected. Some species of plants and animals flourished in both areas, and some did not. There were many new animals and plants in the Americas that Europeans had never seen. And, Europeans brought plants and animals to the New World that America had never seen. This includes viruses and other biological organisms. The new animals brought to America upset the ecology of the area. The people living in the Americas did not have resistance to many of the "germs" brought by the Europeans. Biologically, the Indians had not been exposed to measles, smallpox, whooping cough, chicken pox, and influenza. The effect of these diseases on the Americans was catastrophic. Bacteria and viruses killed more Native Americans than did Spanish swords. The Indians also gave to the Europeans, venereal disease. Medical historians disagree on the origins of syphilis, but it was first identified by physicians in 1493, in Cadiz, Spain, the port which Columbus returned to after his first voyage.The Colombian Exchange was also a cultural exchange. New agricultural developments were traded, economic activity and opportunities opened up between the New and Old Worlds, and new ideas were exchanged.

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Who do you think benefited more from the columbian exchange europeans or people in the Americas?


Which statement from this passage could be used as evidence to suggest the Columbian exchange benefited the old world much more than the new world?

Practically all of them will get into a page or two or ten about the decimation of American Indians, or a page about how important maize is when all European crops fail, and things like that. :)

The columbian exchange affected American Indian agriculture by getting American Indians to?

The Columbian exchange affected American Indian agriculture by getting American Indians to produce more tobacco.

Did the Columbian exchange bring more to America or Europe?

ummm.. welll its really the Americans they crossed the loved land.

How was the trade between America and Europe?

Silk, tea, china, and more goods

What happened as a result of the Columbian Exchange?

Which of these was a result of the Colombian Exchange

Did the Columbian Exchange bring more changegs to America or Europe?

ummm.. welll its really the Americans they crossed the loved land.

What countries were in the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange refers to the trade between Europe, Africa and the Americas. More specifically, in Europe, the countries that dominated this trade were England France Spain and Portugal. West Africa was involved in the slave trade which went to the Caribbean, Brazil, Peru and Southeastern US.

What were the deadly affects of the Columbian exchange?

Through the Columbian Exchange, the Europeans spread many diseases, namely smallpox and measles, to the Native Americans. The East Coast's native population nearly halved in fifty years!

How did the columbian exchange contribute to worldwide population growth?

The Columbian Exchange led to an increase in global population growth by introducing new food sources, such as maize and potatoes, into different regions. This diversification of diets improved nutrition and helped populations to grow. Additionally, the exchange also facilitated the spread of crops that increased agricultural productivity, leading to more food being available to support growing populations.

Did the columbian exchange bring more changes to the Americas or to eur ope?

Well they feed chocolate to people from their dokke holes and named themall d-devine

How did the columbian exchange and the slave trade affect the economies and the people of Europe Africa and the Americans?

The Columbian Exchange and the slave trade affect the economies and the people in Europe, Africa, and The Americas in many ways. Columbian Exchange might have been very popular back then, especially when the Europeans explorers brought new plants and animals to Europe and Asia like corn, potatoes, tobacco, and cocoa and when Europe and Asia brought horses, cattle, and pigs to The Americas. "The Columbian exchange dramatically changed the world". This quote from the textbook explains and shows how valued and how Columbian exchange had an impact on the world. This Columbian exchange really change the world not only for good, but for bad. It all started like new items, food, and animals. But after time it all became an tragedy. The Columbian exchange had good things in the beginning this exchanged continued to improve diets and no longer life spans.But on the bad side lots of innocent people started to die. This new items, food and animals that came from the Native Americans had no natural ingredients and were not disinfected which brought a huge diseases to the Europeans and Asians. This diseases often started to expand until it was killing almost all of the population. Besides the Europeans were not getting any of this food, items, or animals for free, they started to trade their goods with the Americas for their goods, since for them the Americas goods where new and different. The Columbian exchange did not only bring diseases to the Europeans and Asians. The Americas, Asians and European started to take trading more developed. "Over time, a trading pattern involving the exchange of raw materials, manufactured products, and slaves developed among Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europeans shipped millions of enslaved Africans to work in the colonies in the New World." Trading started to get harsh and very mean overtime. From trading goods from each other like food and animals, it started to trade their own people.