An parisian Surgeon named Antoine Louis.
Before being called Guillotine, the device was called Louison or Louisette.
You would likely be killed BY a guillotine if placed IN a guillotine.
The Guillotine
we don't know who designed the guillotine but Dr Joseph Ignace Guillotine was the lobbyist for it and said they would benefit from execution of people
The Pokemon Crawdaunt normally learns Guillotine at level 65.
He went too far with his revolutionary ideas. He killed thousands of people, sending them to the guillotine, just because they still believed in the monarchial system Maximilien Robespierre wanted to get rid of so desperately. He killed everybody that thought differently than him. He was the creator of the reign of terror and was eventually sent to the guillotine himself in 1794 after the French turned against him when their eyes opened and say what he had done. He didn't even have a trial, and was beheaded faced upwards.
Madame Guillotine was created in 1931.
Reflections on the Guillotine was created in 1957.
Dry Guillotine was created in 1938.
Two on a Guillotine was created in 1965.
Mam'zelle Guillotine was created in 1940.
A La Guillotine was created in 1988-02.
Guillotine - Circle album - was created in 2003.
Master of the Flying Guillotine was created on 1976-04-24.
Guillotine - British India album - was created on 2007-06-30.
You would likely be killed BY a guillotine if placed IN a guillotine.
The Guillotine
a guillotine