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Q: Who crowned himself emperor of france in 1804?
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What action did Napoleon take in 1804 with regard to the French government?

He crowned himself emperor of France.

Which military leader crowned himself emperor of France in 1804?

Napoleon Bonaparte

What action did napoleon take in 1804 with regard to the government?

He crowned himself emperor of France.

What action did Napoleon taking 1804 with regard to the French government?

He crowned himself emperor of France.

Who was President when Napoleon crowned himself emperor of france in 1804?

Thomas Jefferson.

Which french statesman crowned himself emperor in 1804?

Napoleon Bonaparte. (It is unusual to describe him as a statesman, he was a general).

What was the date when Napoleon crowned himself as Emperor?

On 2 December 1804.

When was Napoleon crowned Emperor of France?

Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of the French (meaning not only France, but the French peoples throughout the world) on 2 December of 1804. He lost the title in 1814, although he briefly regained the title the following year.

When did Napoleon become the Emperor of France?

Napoleon became premier consul of France in November of 1799 (Brumaire Year VIII) and became Emperor on March 20th, 1804 when he crowned himself

When does napoleon become emperor?

Napoleon Bonaparte symbolically crowned himself Emperor on May 18, 1804.

When was Napoleon Bonaparte emperor?

Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself emperor in 1804. He gave up his crown in 1815.

Cathedral where Napolean crowned himself Emperor on December 1804?

Notre Dame de Paris.