The end of Chinese exploration in the early 1400s affected global trade patterns in several ways. For one, the world got to know about the Silk Route, which was essential for trade, commerce, and growth.
Asia and Europe was the trade.
Ancient Chinese people used a barter system for buying and selling goods. Some of the people used items such as bricks of tea as currency.
The Chinese introduced silk to the Arabs, who passed it on to Europeans.
They traveled the Silk Road and gave other traders to take it to Europe.
Silk and Tea.
many people like Chinese and europians whoever needed to trade (also silk traders)
they traded silk
it was not really a road in ancient times. it was a path that Chinese traders took their silk to trade with other countries
I believe it is silk.
The Chinese people learned of Buddhism because of monks and traders.
Group of traders traveled over the Silk Roads. Traders carried silk, ceramics, tea, and other goods to Western markets. Traders returned with new foods, plants, and minerals. Increased trade led to more Chinese contact with people from other countries. People from Arabia, Persia, and India visited.
In earlier times, the biggest Chinese export was silk.
Traders in the far east used the Silk Road to transport their goods.The Silk Road bought Chinese goods and then sold them to traders on the way to Rome.
Silk and other goods.