He explored the modern day states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
Zebulon Pike... I'm 100% sure.
Christopher Columbus explored the new world.
Portugal explored the New World first
Arizona did not become a state until more than fifty years after the start of the Civil War. At the time of the Civil War the area that became Arizona in 1912 was a part of New Mexico Territory (New Mexico did not become a state until 1907). The New Mexico Territory seceded and joined the Confederacy, but the Confederates lost the only significant military campaign to take place there. Along with that campaign the south also lost its control over the region.
He found the including of Arizona,New Mexico,Texas,Oklahoma,and Kansas
He traveled through Arizona and New Mexico and as far north as Kansas trying to find the seven cities of gold . He explored Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. He never found the Seven Cities of Gold.
When the territories now comprising the states of Arizona and New Mexico were first explored by Spanish Conquistador Francisco Vazquez de Coronado in 1542, he reported his findings on such territories north of Mexico were a "New Mexico". Since then, these territories were named as the Territorios de Nuevo Mexico(Territories of New Mexico).
Hernando de Soto explored much of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California.
He explored the modern day states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
He explored Kansas, Arizona, and Mexico.
Coronado explored the Southwest region of the present-day United States, including parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Kansas while searching for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold in the 16th century.
New Mexico is east of Arizona,East
They traveled what is now called New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and Kansas. :) ♥
Cabeza de Vaca.
He explored through what is now northern Mexico and the southwestern USA including Arizona , New Mexico , Texas , Oklahoma , and Kansas.
New Mexico is bordered by Arizona to the west.