Definite records regarding 'Mad' Dan Morgan's date of birth do not exist, but it is thought that he was born in 1830, and adopted in 1832 by John Roberts, a stockman or landowner in southern New South Wales. Morgan stayed with Roberts until he was 17, learning skills of being a stockman. Morgan's earliest crime was stealing two horses in 1847. After he moved to the Victorian goldfields after 1851, he continued to steal horses until he was arrested in 1854. He was sentenced to 12 years' jail at Pentridge, where his sentence involved hard labour on the prison hulks in Port Phillip Bay. He absconded while holding a ticket-of-leave in 1860, and then moved to Lambing Flat (now Young) in NSW. Between 1863 and 1865 he earned a reputation as a particularly vicious and ruthless bushranger, committing several murders. It was this which led to him being a wanted man.
Shah Jahan was kept in the confinement for eight years; from 1658 until his death in 1666.
John Bunyan went to jail for preaching without a licence. In jail he wrote the second most famous book, the pilgrims progress. In some books, It is called "dangerous Journey"
The Bastille
the judge sentenced him to 5 years of jail
They are sentenced
Yes. He was sentenced to jail for 10 years on Septmeber 29, 2009. Your welcome! :)
She was sentenced in jail for one day but was fined $14.00
Phil Spector was sentenced to 19 years to life.
Because he was framed.
Well, its a long story. You see, I was first sentenced 5 years in jail, but when they found out I took my cat to jail, I was sentenced another 4 years. After I was done with my first 5 years in jail, I wanted to come out but they reminded me about my extra 4 years. So one of the officers came into my jail cell to talk to me. But before he was done talking to me I bite his leg. Then i took his gun and shot him in the face, and now I am in jail for the rest of my life.
In May 2005 Darren Bradberry was sentenced to 18 years in prison. He was later convicted of another crime and sentenced to an additional 11 to 22 years.
I think that you would be in jail seven years after sentence
Yes, Phil Spector was sentenced to 19 years to life.
she was a hat maker(milliner) she was sentenced form 7 years jail
The former president of Israel Moshe Katsav was sentenced on Tuesday, March 22, 2011, to seven years in jail for rape at the age of 65.