William Ewart Gladstone - 4 times. 1868 - 74, 1880 - 85, 1886, 1892 - 94 William Ewart Gladstone
Harold Wilson was prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1964 to 1970 and from 1974 to 1976.
William Ewart Gladstone Born on the 29th of December in 1809. He was a British Liberal Politician. He ran a career lasting OVER 60 years. He worked as a Prime Minister four separate times. He was Britain's eldest Prime Minister in history.
Dadabhai was the thrice elected president of Indian national congress
Yes, they do still exist in modern times. For example, King Juan Carlos of Spain and Queen Elizabeth II of England. However, they do not have any political power and are seen as more of a "figure head" for the country they reside in. The majority of the political power belongs to the Prime Minister, who is similar to a President. Despite not having political power anymore, modern monarchs still attend conferences and are respected by the people of their country.
William Bradford served as the Plymouth Colony Governor five times. William Bradford is well remembered for fighting for the human rights. Being a Quaker, he is remembered as being a peaceful person.
Prime Ministers can normally be elected any number of times.
it was h. atkinson
Yes: Prime Ministers can be re-elected in Australia, and they frequently are. There is no limit to the number of consecutive times a Prime Minister can be re-elected.
6 times
Richard John Seddon he was born in 1845 in Lancashire, England
Stephen Harper became the Prime Minister once in 2006. He has continued to be re-elected in 2008, with an election pending in 2011. So far he has not had to resign as Prime Minister.
Yes, the Prime Minister can be reelected as an MP any number of times, even if they are no longer prime minister following their reelection. If you mean 'reelected as Prime Minister', the Prime Minister is not directly elected to begin with. However, the term of a Prime Minister is indefinite, and a Prime Minister can be reappointed by the Governor General any number of times. The only limitation on a Prime Minister's term is that he/she must maintain the confidence of the House of Commons, and can be forced to resign through political pressure (or be dismissed by the Governor General, though this is rare) at any time.
as many no of times he is elected as the leader of majority party(or head of a coalition)
Robert Menzies was Australia's longest-serving Prime Minister, so it would be assumed that most people thought he was a good Prime Minister, to have been re-elected several times. Although an extreme "monarchist", Menzies was an efficient administrator, under whose government Australia prospered.
Indira Gandhi was the prime minister of the Republic of India for three consecutive terms from 1966 to 1977 and for a fourth term from 1980 until her assassinationin 1984, a total of fifteen years.
Sir William Fox was Prime Minister of New Zealand three times
The longest serving Prime Minister in New Zealand's history was Richard J Seddon, aka "King Dick". He was Prime Minister for 13 years, 1893 - 1906. In that time he won 5 elections as leader of the Liberal Party (which eventually merged into the National Party). It's his statute outside the Parliament buildings in Wellington.